
 Linda M. Kagire
Linda M. Kagire
Massage parlours and saunas have become a phenomenon, with many establishments of this kind popping up in many places in the City of Kigali. Sam Ngenda
Behind the scenes: How massage parlours are becoming hotbeds of promiscuity
Some cows struck by lightning in Nyagatare in 2021. Courtesy.
Rwanda's lightning hotspots: Why some areas are more prone to strikes
The New Times
Prof. Rwigamba Balinda: A lifelong commitment to shaping Africa’s future leaders through education
Gislaine Teta, a 22-year-old graduate with hearing impairment, recently graduated from University of Rwanda. Courtesy
Empowered by adversity: Teta Gislaine’s journey to support others with disabilities
A pharmacist looks for drugs at Kisimenti in Kigali.Photo by Craish Bahizi
A look at the evolving nature of anti-malarial drugs in Rwanda
Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHAP) and artesunate-pyronaridine (ASPY) are new drugs to be introduced in Rwanda.
What you should know about new antimalarial drugs amid case surge
Some of the boarding students arrive at Kigali Pele Stadium to board buses on their way to school on Friday, January 3. Photo by Emmanuel Dushimimana
Dealing with ‘January blues’ as children head back to school
The Marburg viral disease was the most news-dominating topic for Rwanda in 2024
The year Rwanda fought off two epidemics and achieved key milestones in delivering healthcare services
Rwandan visual artist Dolph Banza for three months worked with FIA to come up with the visuals to be displayed in the background during the awards ceremony.
Meet Dolph Banza, the visionary behind FIA awards' visuals
Assiel Ngarambe, CHUK’s longest serving morgue attendant, inside  the hospital's morgue. Photos by Willy Mucyo
CHUK’s longest-serving morgue attendant who dignifies the dead
A client shopping some items for festive season at Kigali Business District in Nyarugenge. Photo by Craish Bahizi
Struggling to manage your finances during festive season? Here's what experts advise
Participants during the mass sports activity that was coincided with the 14th day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign on Sunday, December 8. Courtesy
Confronting sexual harassment at the workplace: The silent epidemic of GBV
Officials and participants during an awareness compaign against GBV in 2022. Photo by Craish Bahizi
16 Days of Activism: Unpacking the “Men are Trash” debate in Rwanda
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Born in Burundi, schooled in U.S, and back home to Rwanda… Inside the world of a top interior designer
Rwandan  Female Peacekeepers  Engaged in a Team under UNMISS to conduct training on the fight against malaria for residents of Reggo Payam, Terekeka County, in South Sudan. Photo: Courtesy
New IPAR study calls for more efforts to involve women in peace-building
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Women in Business: How Angel Uwantege took a leap of faith to launch her horticulture export business
Women in Dufashanye cooperative collect their weekly contribution in their saving scheme in Muko Sector Musanze District. Sam Ngendahimana
Savings week: How informal sector is embracing a robust savings culture
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From cancer survivor to climate advocate: Umutoniwabo’s journey to empower the earth

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