
 Lydia Atieno
Lydia Atieno
The New Times
Children & Education
Music, dance and drama: Why schools should uphold the arts culture
Kimenyi at his shop serving clients.Courtesy photos..
How circumstances led 22- year-old to start his enterprise
Treatment depends on the patientu2019s will and interest in maintaining or improving their health status. / Net photo
HIV treatment: Adherence is crucial for proper management
Zucchinis contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. / Net photo
The many health benefits of zucchinis
Boarding schools are important in building the spirit of unity, teamwork and cooperation among students.Net photo.
Children & Education
Benefits that come with attending a boarding school
The New Times
Children & Education
Schools’ visitation days: Why are they important?
The Ministry of Health proposed a plan aimed at eliminating Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the country within five years.
Fighting hepatitis C; what are the milestones?
Arrowroot is a large, perennial herb found in rainforest habitats. It is cultivated for a starch obtained from the rhisomes (rootstocks). / Net
What are the health benefits of arrowroots?
Social-emotional learning helps students establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships. File.
Children & Education
Does the future of education depend on social-emotional learning?
Prevention includes personal cleanliness, especially of the face and hands.
The dangers of trachoma
Educators and parents should focus on instilling learners with skills in personal finance, values, and communication, among other things. Net photo.
Children & Education
Why schools should embrace ‘education beyond the classroom’
The New Times
Pregnancy and heart conditions; what are the risks?
Strawberries are packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and K, folate, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. / Net photo
What are the benefits of eating strawberries?
The New Times
Children & Education
What is the importance of health education in school?
Teachers are advised to monitor attendance as it is the best way to prevent absenteeism. File.
Children & Education
The cost of skipping classes
They use locally available materials such as concrete, a mixture of water and cement which is reinforced using steel bars that make the products stronger and durable compared to the outdoor furniture made from wood and timber. Photos by Lydia Atieno.
Meet trio conserving nature by using alternative materials for furniture production
The New Times
How effective are public health campaigns?
Watermelon is high in potassium, a mineral that could cut down on cramps at the gym, or during work-out. / Net photo
Why you should eat more spinach

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