
 Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo
Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo
The court has adjourned the bail hearing of Diogene Mulindahabi, the Principle at IPRC-Kigali and 19 other suspects who are being prosecuted over several charges related to misuse of public funds at IPRC Kigali Campus. The hearing will take place on November 15.Courtesy
Bail hearing for IPRC-Kigali officials adjourned to November 15
Genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga' s trial  continued at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague,  on November 8. Courtesy.
Another key witness pins Kabuga on supplying weapons during Genocide
The East African Countries Magistrates and Judges in a group photo  at the 19th annual conference of EAMJA in Kigali on November 9. Courtesy
EAC magistrates, Judges push for harmonised laws
(L-R) Jean de Dieu Mukundiyukuri, the executive director at RNOSC, and Jean-Jacques Mugisha, head of mission at the concluded Commonwealth Games.
Olympic Committee officials' case goes to prosecution
IPRC Kigali have re-opened after two weeks of temporary shutdown over the investigation, on Monday, November 7. Photo by Craish Bahizi
IPRC-Kigali reopens as investigations continue
A view of the incident in Lake Victoria. A Rwandan woman has been named among 19 people who died in a Tanzanian plane crash Sunday. Internet
Rwandan among Tanzania plane crash victims
IPRC Kigali has been temporary closed since  Monday, October 24.It will be reopening on November 7 following a two-weeks temporary closure. Photo by Sam Ngendahimana
IPRC-Kigali to reopen next week
A  view of the closed main gate of IPRC Kigali, due to the ongoing investigations,on Monday, October 24. Photo by Sam Ngendahimana
IPRC-Kigali campus still cordoned off as corruption probe continues
Eng. Deo Muvunyi, the former RURA’s Acting Director General and other senior officials were dismissed over indiscipline and managerial failures.File
Former RURA bosses under probe - RIB
The court has postponed the  hearing of Diogene Mulindahabi, the Principal at IPRC-Kigali  and 11 other suspects. Courtesy
Bail hearing for IPRC-Kigali officials postponed
Former Prime Minister Pierre-Damien Habumuremyi.
Habumuremyi case: Court to determine amicable settlement
Individuals who are detained,are Jean-Jacques Mugisha, Head of mission at the  concluded Commonwealth Games, and Jean de Dieu Mukundiyukuri, the Executive Director at RNOSC.
RIB confirms arrest of Olympic committee officials
Diogene Mulindahabi, the Principle at IPRC-Kigali  and 11 other suspects- who are being prosecuted over various cases related to the misuse of public funds. . COURTESY
IPRC-Kigali bosses appear in court this week
Japanese Ambassador to Rwanda, Masahiro IMAI and Emmanuel Ntazinda, the legal representative and Bishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda Kibungo Diocese during the signing of  the agreement in Kigali on November 1
Japan commits Rwf95m to Anglican Church for Education
Thierry Murangira, Rwanda Investigation Bureau spokesperson. File
Olympic committee staff probed over Commonwealth Games
Edouard Bamporiki in the court on September 21. Courtesy
Bamporiki appeals four-year sentence
The New Times
Ex-PM Habumuremyi dragged back to court
Felix Nshimyumuremyi, the Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority with his lawyers at Nyarugenge Intermediate Court. The Court handed a five-year jail sentence to  Nshyimyumuremyi on Octover 28. File
Housing Authority boss sentenced to five years in prison over corruption

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