The benefits of growing fresh flowers in your home
Friday, September 09, 2022
Growing flowers puts you in touch with nature and puts you in touch with nature. Photo/ Courtesy

There’s something unique about flowers that quite represents beauty. Due to their fragrance and association with beauty and love, humans are increasingly embodying the effort and fulfilment to grow flowers, whether for commercial purposes or aesthetics.

Anthophiles will do anything it takes to have as many and healthy as possible. Some are for home simple décor, beautifully arranged in a water filled vase, to stimulate their growth depending on type or how one treats them. Others may contain fertilizer that will stimulate the growth, with gardening often.

Taking care of your flowers inside the house or even out of it may not look an easy task, especially for those who do not understand the use of flowers around them, Adelina Mukamwiza, a grandmother of four and flower lover says.

She agrees that blossoms are more than just decoration; they bring a feeling of purpose around your home. Seeing them grow gives you joy that your effort was not wasted. Growing flowers also shows that you have contributed to the life of nature and brings a sense of purpose.

Mukamwiza adds that, plants in general play an important role in providing fresh air and blowing away stress. They refresh the mind and help the mind to calm hard situations.

"Flowers have been shown in studies to help our mental health by stimulating good emotions and even positive social behavior" she says.

According to Ange Twizerimana, a florist based in a town near the car free zone area, flowers bring new energy and make you feel connected to nature. There are various advantages of bringing a sense of the outdoors inside a home, such as green walls that reduce the temperatures and noise level of a small space since plants can absorb and reflect energy.

She adds that flowers also connect people in terms of engaging in green conversations, while improving their environment and create a natural ambiance.

In addition, Twizerimana says that flowers come in different colors and scents, which may help improve people’s mood, the smell of the house and maintain a peaceful atmosphere due to their aroma and therapeutic qualities, such as roses

The florist urges flower enthusiasts to maintain a few simple flower colors inside the house, to avoid confusion and destruction, a greenhouse or gradually colored works much better.

Faustin Uwayezu, another florist based near Nyarugenge market center, believes that flowers increase productivity.

"They help you focus and increase productivity in the sense that spending time with natural elements such as flowers through admiring staring and admiring them can help you recover from attention fatigue” Uwayezu says.