Basic rules of humanity

I am at a loss of words every time I think of my next-door neighbors. These hooligans drink day in and day out until they lose track of time. And then have the guts to knock on my door to ask when church begins. Mind you this is at two in the morning on a weekday!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I am at a loss of words every time I think of my next-door neighbors. These hooligans drink day in and day out until they lose track of time. And then have the guts to knock on my door to ask when church begins. Mind you this is at two in the morning on a weekday!One of them, Derrick I think, makes it a point to knock on my door, asking for a funny thing he knows   can never have. Recently he knocked and asked for his pair of boxer shorts. "Have you seen them? I’m sure I put them to your room”, he slurred, breaking grammar rules and murdering words while he was at it.I could not find anyway to answer and I chose not to think too hard about it. You know drunkards rarely lie, so I am thinking, he could have copied my keys and is raiding my place putting offending pieces of clothes where I could not see them. It was too painful to think about so I put it out of my mind, and closed the door rather loudly on his face.Some times people forget the basic rules of humanity, how to eat, how to sleep, (Derrick decided to stay up all night singing Ability by The Goodlyfe crew in an off-key voice, something that goes like this, "Ayna ablrity… I will tell you, it was hilariously painful).I am considering moving. The one thing that bonds us as people is that need for company. No one enjoys being ignored or neglected (unless you are a man hating psychopath which in that case is self explanatory).But if you are sane, or as close to sane as you can get near to, the guiding star of civilization is the need to coexist peacefully alongside one another. This is why I do not understand people, especially Rwandans.Recently a fight broke out in the neighborhood and my father, Pastor that he is, went to investigate and calm the neighbors. It turns out that one of the neighbors had been cheating with the neighbor’s husband. And when the other found out, she raised hell and all of its neighbors started hitting and clawing and spitting at the offender woman.All the while I kept thinking, "what causes people to do this”? Why and how can you wake up in the morning and you know what you are doing is going to make someone uncomfortable to the point of embarrassment and anger?My point is, if you want peace give it back. Otherwise you will become like Derrick who is soon going to receive summons from my father.