Mind over matter: Harnessing the power of the mind in your fitness journey
Tuesday, May 02, 2023
Kigali residents turned up for sports during the bi-monthly Car Free Day on Sunday, October 16. Photo by Oliver Mugwiza

Being physically fit is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle. It is advantageous for both the body and the psyche. The power of the mind is one of the most essential elements in accomplishing fitness objectives. Our attitudes and beliefs significantly influence our level of success. The importance of the mind in your fitness quest is explored in this article. Most people delay becoming older because they think their best is behind them. Your mental condition significantly impacts your general health. Never tell yourself that you are growing old and fragile since doing so will simply make you feel that way.

The capacity to maintain the finest possible physical shape is called fitness. Then, you might wonder, "What am I exercising for?" This will mean various things to different people. For the majority, maintaining health is vital to being healthy for as long as feasible. Your body, you see, is built to function like a machine. The machine operates at its optimum when every component is taken care of. The engine won't run well and eventually won't run when the gadget is entirely or partially neglected. For instance, an automobile will survive much longer if carefully maintained over a lengthy period.

Keep moving

Remind yourself that staying bed right now is not the most incredible option and that you should instead carry out your regular activities. I've seen folks lie on their beds when they have their grandkids and are in their sixties. This is not the proper way to handle it; instead, you should continue to show interest in and involvement in family matters since it shows your value for them and your reluctance to abide by the tactic of weakening them. It's easy to handle the exercise. You probably learned to wash your teeth when you were three years old. You acquired the ability to present yourself well. You undoubtedly detested performing when you first learned how to.

Do you worry about brushing your teeth today? In no way. Simply a habit. When you think of fitness, we want you to visualize it. It is merely something you do. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will likely be the most difficult during the initial few weeks. It will frighten you. You'll think up excuses not to do it. You'll assert that it's difficult to become in shape. It is impossible to give up what you love. This is false. If you have the discipline to sacrifice for only a few weeks to protect your life, you'll realize you can quickly perfect fitness. Take a moment to assess yourself. What do you observe? Let us know if you have any body parts you don't like.

The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking is a well-known concept that has been studied extensively in psychology. It is the belief that positive thoughts can lead to positive outcomes. In the context of fitness, positive thinking can help you achieve your goals by keeping you motivated and focused.

Research has shown that positive self-talk can improve athletic performance. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that athletes who engaged in positive self-talk performed better than those who did not. Another study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that positive self-talk can increase motivation and confidence.


Visualisation is a technique that involves creating a mental image of yourself achieving your fitness goals. It is a powerful tool that can help you overcome mental barriers and achieve success. Visualisation creates a mental blueprint of the desired outcome, which the mind can use to guide behaviour. A study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that visualisation can improve performance in athletes. The study showed that athletes who visualised themselves performing their sport performed better than those who did not.

Goal setting

Goal setting is an essential aspect of achieving fitness goals. It involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Setting goals gives you direction and focus and helps you track progress. Research has shown that goal setting can improve athletic performance. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that goal setting can improve performance in athletes. The study showed that athletes who set goals performed better than those who did not.


Mindfulness is a mental state characterised by being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your fitness goals by reducing stress and improving focus. Research has shown that mindfulness can enhance athletic performance. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology found that mindfulness can improve performance in athletes. The study showed that athletes who practiced mindfulness performed better than those who did not.

In conclusion, the power of the mind is a critical factor in achieving fitness goals. Positive thinking, visualisation, goal setting, and mindfulness are powerful tools to help you succeed. By harnessing the power of your mind, you can overcome mental barriers, stay motivated, and achieve your fitness goals.

The writer is the founder of Builder Bangs, a multi-layer fitness and wellbeing company that focuses on fitness workouts, bodybuilding, Taichi, Kungfu, and meditation.