Empower a woman and empower a nation

Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her a house she will give you a home, if you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart. If you give her crap, be ready to receive a double portion of that crap. She multiplies and enlarges what she receives. This is something I heard from one of my girlfriends. It made so much sense to me that every time I think of it, I can only imagine how much better this world would be if women were empowered.

Friday, October 28, 2011
Women have the ability to improve any situation once they are empowered. Net Photo

Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her a house she will give you a home, if you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart. If you give her crap, be ready to receive a double portion of that crap. She multiplies and enlarges what she receives.

This is something I heard from one of my girlfriends. It made so much sense to me that every time I think of it, I can only imagine how much better this world would be if women were empowered.

For so long, women have been deprived of their rights and rightful position in society. The capability and potential of women was and still is in some places undermined and thought to be lesser compared to men.

Women are sometimes taken for sexual objects whose role was to only give birth and take care of the family. It’s appalling that in this day and age, some people still have that bizarre mindset that a woman’s role is to only give birth. This is exactly why we still have women that give birth to ten children in this era.

It is so heartbreaking that some women have also fallen for the myth that their main role in life is to give birth and take care of children.

Well, as far as I know, every woman would love to give birth but would also love to see their children having good health, education and proper meals.However, in most cases, that is not possible when a large family entirely depends on the father since the mother only gives birth.

Women who are empowered and conversant with their rights always decide the number of children they mother. They do not just give birth to any number of children just because the husband says so and needs to gratify his sexual urge.

A lot has been done to curb the ever-increasing population however, without empowering women, the population is bound to increase.

Women need to know that their lives do not revolve around giving birth. They are worth more than that. They need to be encouraged to put their brains and potential to work. Every woman has the ability to contribute to the enhancement of her own families and nation at large.

Every woman should have another activity they carry out besides being a mother. If they do not have professional skills, at least they should be empowered to have other skills and talents they can put to good use to earn income. The more they keep home idle, the more children they are likely to produce. Children are a blessing but they should not live a destitute life cursed ones. Let us empower women so the nation can be empowered and the population will remain reasonable.
