Society Debate: Are people born sinners?

Guilty babies; what nonsense! This notion comes from a Christian perspective, so I will not dwindle much in argumentative points but rather on what we as Christians must believe.Of course, most of you who have gone to church have heard about the “original sin” brought about by Adam’s misdeeds in the Garden of Eden.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Guilty babies; what nonsense! 
This notion comes from a Christian perspective, so I will not dwindle much in argumentative points but rather on what we as Christians must believe.

Of course, most of you who have gone to church have heard about the "original sin” brought about by Adam’s misdeeds in the Garden of Eden.

Preachers tell us that because Adam ate that forbidden fruit, the power to determine our nature was stripped away; that from the point our mothers push us into daylight, we are immediately turned into thieves, murderers, conmen, and prostitutes and so on.

I beg to defer! With all due respect to Christians around the world, this belief is not backed by scripture: It is half the truth and not the entire truth.

Yes, what Adam did spoilt the party, but how about what Jesus Christ did? What Jesus did is the other story, the part of the story that completes it all.

See, because of Adam, man was cursed from childhood, but because of Jesus, man is cleansed of all sins, known and unknown. That is why we should be grateful to Jesus; because of his nature as the Son of God, his sacrifice was much stronger than a mere fruit bite.

As a matter of fact, this is how it really should be, otherwise, hell is sadly full of babies who never had a chance to grow up and change from their natural sinfulness.

I don’t know why some people prefer to look at God as some superpower who lives upstairs and just loves to makes hard rules. Even hardcore governments of the world do not allow juveniles to be tried in court for any case; now why would God judge babies as sinners?

In my opinion, this belief that people are born sinners is one of those unnecessary inconveniences that Christians should get rid of.

If anything, it can power on people to do many inhuman things and justify them by saying that it’s the way they were born.

The truth is; man is born free. We decide our own destinies. We all maneuver through trying moments, unforeseeable circumstances, societal and environmental changes as well as numerous opportunities.

Those who make the right decisions become noble, whereas those who make wrong ones become sinners.
This proves one thing; we have all become sinners, not because we were born this way, but because at one moment or the other, we made wrong decisions.

Some of you have stolen, some of us have insulted and fought, so we have no excuse, we have become who we chose to be.

That is why as Christians, we should sigh with relief because we know that at the simplest sign of sincere belief in his saving power, Jesus atones our sins.

Here is how it should be; although man is born free, he is highly capable of sinning. When you give birth to a child, you shouldn’t be scared to help them realize their full potential, thinking that they might turn out to be talented serial thieves.
Happy Easter!