Gisagara, Nyaruguru residents believe Kagame still has some work to do

Charlotte Mukasine 27, farmer I am a living example of how Kagame’s policy of women empowerment has worked. I got married in 2005, later I divorced my husband. My parents tried to force me back to him but I refused because I knew my rights and they understood.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Charlotte Mukasine

Charlotte Mukasine 27, farmer

I am a living example of how Kagame’s policy of women empowerment has worked. I got married in 2005, later I divorced my husband. My parents tried to force me back to him but I refused because I knew my rights and they understood. If it wasn’t for the policies in place, i would have been sent back to the ruthless man. All women have been given a forum to speak and they will all vote for him.
