ORPHANS, Has anyone ever thought of the life changes that occur in ones life? Born in a happy family with both parents but the occurrence of death separate you from them. You are now an orphan with just memories filled in your head.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Has anyone ever thought of the life changes that occur in ones life?

Born in a happy family with both parents but the occurrence of death separate you from them. You are now an orphan with just memories filled in your head.

Wish to be breast fed but cannot, mothers love lost forever, fathers care turns into sorrow because he is no more. 

With in a blink of an eye the world changes in which all the changes in which cause more harm than good. No one listens to orphans because they seem to have no word
In public they belong no where. First we take it to be strong like it’s said in Runyankore "AKIZILEKEMERWA”

They cry from inside not exposing their tears in the celebration of the haters, Why not try to see what we can be. No one seems to understand except the Almighty in heaven who says "I am the father to the fatherless, mother to the motherless that’s the only courage they get.”

The hatred for us is causing huge wounds in our hearts that may take a decade to heal.

Please country members being an orphan is not a curse but the will of God. Show love for mankind…….What we do for others today may stand for our glory tomorrow.

The writer is a student at King David Academy