Breaking barriers: NCBA Bank Rwanda creates space for women in technology
Friday, December 02, 2022

NCBA Bank Rwanda (NCBAR) is one of the institutions actively creating space for women to excel and thrive in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

According to Amelie Mumararungu, a Data Analyst at NCBAR, "Like many women in STEM, I was discouraged from pursuing a career in STEM because it was a man's arena.”

Across the globe, women and girls are often steered away from STEM opportunities. The STEM Gap continues to persist in today's world; women account for only 28 per cent of the workforce in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, and men vastly outnumber women in these fields (American Association of University Women,2022).

However, this is rapidly changing in Rwanda, where more women are entering the STEM workforce as a result of increased support from the Rwandan government and various public and private institutions.

Diane Umwali.

Diane Umwali, an Intern in the IT Security Department at NCBAR

As a child, I was a curious person. Being born in the Digital Era, I was exposed to computers from a tender age. I remember that at home, we had a computer, and trying to figure out how this computer worked was a magical experience for me! That, I believe, was a catalyst for my current career path.

STEM is an exciting field to be in, especially in this digital technology where we are still discovering so much, and as someone who enjoys being kept on my toes, I've found my forever career. I can't say it has been an easy road because, along the way, there are many people who don't understand why a woman would want to work in a "Man's profession," but there are also those who encourage you to pursue your wildest dreams.

After joining NCBA, I feel excited about my future in STEM and in a particular technology. Every day is a learning and discovery journey.

I look forward to my career becoming an expert in IT and Security and supporting or encouraging other women willing to join STEM.

Amelie Mumararungu.

Amelie Mumararungu, a Data Analyst at NCBAR

Ever since I was young, I've always had an interest in tech, curious about everything that has something to do/can be done with computers which led me to pursue Information Technology at University and therefore start my career in STEM. Fast forward to today, apart from my want to learn and understand data, the women in tech have played a major role in encouraging me to join the STEM world; having someone to look up to in my career motivated me.

Since joining NCBA, I have been more enthusiastic than ever about my future; NCBA provides a learning platform that facilitates acquiring new skills on different topics. At NCBA, I also get to work with a great team that provides me with the necessary support to grow in my career.

Alice Uwase.

Alice Uwase, (Former NCBA employee in the IT department)

I was exposed to STEM from a young age and naturally got interested in Mathematics and Technology. With the help of my parents and professors, I participated in hands-on activities like projects and experiments that piqued my STEM interest.

My career in STEM officially began at NCBA. Being the lone female on the team initially made me nervous, but it quickly subsided thanks to my colleagues, manager, and the CEO's overwhelming support. I was exposed to educational courses, skills training, and projects and constantly received feedback from peers and supervisors. Working at NCBA gave me a chance to get glimpses into my future career path.

Olivier Bivegete.

Olivier Bivegete, Head of IT at NCBA Rwanda,

In the IT department, we have made it an unalterable principle to be advocates of gender equality. We are also committed to combating mentalities that impedes the development of women in science and technology fields. We do that by offering equal chances and opportunities to staff joining the department, irrespective of their gender. There are literally no limitations in what a person can and wishes to do as long as it’s in line with the bank’s objectives.

If a woman is willing to grow in a professional area that is wrongly assumed to be "for men'', we coach them and provide the necessary skillset and support along the way. We believe that women in STEM are able to do any possible job. They don’t want favouritism or to be treated like a special group of people, they’re just asking to be given a fair chance to practice the job they are aspiring to.

At NCBA, we have had numerous success stories in the past few years. Critical IT functions like data analysis and information security are driven by passionate women who helped the bank in improving its stature in these areas.

As a department and the bank as a whole, we have learned that choosing that approach has brought an enriching perspective to what we do on a daily basis. One can easily miss out on chances to have skilful and valuable personnel if we let our decisions be guided by preconceptions about gender differences.

If you are interested in a career in STEM at NCBA Submit your application to: