Simple things to do before the year ends
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Use this time to clear clutter and get rid of anything you do not need. Photos/Net

2022 is coming to an end, you probably had a long list of things to do this year, but looking back, there’s still a lot that’s yet to be done. It’s never too late, what you need is to get started. Or perhaps you don’t really know what to do? Do not worry, we have a few suggestions.

Clear clutter

Perhaps cleaning up isn’t your idea of fun, but doesn’t the notion of starting the New Year with a clutter-less home sound appealing? Start with removing what no longer fits you from your closet (donate to charity but try not to add salt to the wound by giving away severely damaged clothing), get rid of kitchen utensils or tools that are no longer in use, and anything around the house in general. Experts say that clutter can lead to poor mental health, unhealthy eating, inefficient thought processes, and a generally lower quality of life. You better start now,there’s still time to choose wisely what stays.


When is the last time you did something fun and adventurous? Try something new, like hiking, or zip lining, learn how to swim even. There are plenty of activities out there, it’s time to explore them.

Cookouts with family and friends

Cooking is fun and therapeutic, now imagine doing this with people you love and care about, or enjoy being around. Now is a good time for a cookout, to reconnect with friends and family before the year ends. In addition, it boosts creativity as everyone is expected to bring something and you’ll get that much needed catch-up and bonding time.


Travelling is fun, no doubt; discovering new places, people and cultures is something you should strive to do often. Make a pledge to travel at least once a year. Experts say that travel makes you a better storyteller, opens your eyes and changes the way you look at life.


Reflect on what has happened in your life this year, give yourself credit where it is due and make a note to do better where you may have done poorly. Appreciate the people who made your year so far and start planning for the next.