Fruit consumption prevents constipation

Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They contain the right balance of nutrients with distilled water. A person can gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially from the outer skin when eaten without cooking.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They contain the right balance of nutrients with distilled water. A person can gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially from the outer skin when eaten without cooking.

They are easy to digest and absorb and do not stress the large intestine or colon.

Some basic fruits that one should eat include; apples, pineapples, avocados, ripe bananas, blueberries, cherries, grapes, lemons, papayas, plums, and prunes.

Fruits contain fiber, which helps to cleanse your colon and prevent constipation. Most fruits provide the body with minerals that help the body reduce acid when it is created.

Most important of all, fruits help cleanse the body of mucus slime that accumulates throughout the body.

Fruits do not leave any slime residue in the body when eaten except when they have pesticides and preservatives on their outer skin. They do not ferment or putrefy in the colon, as do processed foods, dairy products and meats.

Above all, one needs to carefully choose the right fruits to take. They should be eaten when they are fully ripe not when they are raw or overripe.

When raw they may be acidic and when overripe fruits contain a lot of natural sugar which is unhealthy.

Fruits, vegetables, and grains contain a nutrient compound that helps to feed the good bacteria in the colon.

Without an adequate supply of this compound that is scientifically termed as fructooligosaccharides, good bacteria will dwindle and bad bacteria will flourish in the large intestine and thereby causing harm to the body.

A person needs to eat fruits throughout the day but especially in the evening. This will help to promote bowel or intestinal movement in the morning. When this bowel movement is good, the body gets the ability to remove and get rid off waste products in the intestines.

 It is estimated that digestion takes about two and half to three hours for the stomach to be at least 50 percent emptied, with total emptying times at about 4-5 hours.

Then there is the small intestine transit time of another 2-3 hours, with colon transit times between 30 and 40 minutes.

Since a meal a mixture of several types of chemicals and materials the best way to get rid of toxins from digestion is by eating fruits.

Enjoying at least two fruits a day will keep the transit work at a good rhythm. This is why some people say that fruit are nature’s laxative. They also act as toners to the stomach and intestines.

Food should also be chewed properly. It is also very important to drink lots of water with the meals, as it dilutes gastric juices needed for digestion. A cup of hot water with some lemon helps with constipation.

The author  is an intern  Dr. at King Faisal hospital