Children talk about reporting back to school

“I really enjoyed the holiday, but my parents told me that since the holiday is over, its time to get serious with studies. I can never forget the good time I have been spending at home, it’s time for school now.” Clement Mbabazi, 12, P.6, Kigali Harvest Primary School.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"I really enjoyed the holiday, but my parents told me that since the holiday is over, its time to get serious with studies. I can never forget the good time I have been spending at home, it’s time for school now.”

Clement Mbabazi, 12, P.6, Kigali Harvest Primary School.

"School is now good because I have been missing my friends during the holidays. Ever since I started school, I met my friends and I am indeed very happy to see them although some have not reported yet.”

Ester Mutabazi, 11, P.5, Evangelical Restoration Primary School.

"I can not easily forget the good time I have been having together with my friends at home, but I must go to school. School is good because we have started serious class work.”

Emmanuel Hakiziman, 11, P.5 Kigali Harvest Primary School.

"At the beginning of the term, school is not so good. I have been having a good time with children in my neighborhood, which I already miss now.”

Uwasi Deborah, 12, P.6 EPK Primary School.

"I am enjoying school the same way I enjoyed home. What is interesting is that my friends have good and bad holiday experiences. Some tell good and interesting stories, others have nothing to say while others only tell boring stories.”

John Mugabe, 12, P.6, Kacyiru Primary School.

"School is good but holidays at home were better. However, my parents told me to take time at school seriously. I therefore consider the time at school right now more important than when I am at home.”

Albert Nsengimana P.6, 12, Saint Famille Primary School.

"Although it has been hard for me to get used to the school environment, I believe I have now styled up with school life. This is simply because of how good the holidays were. I never thought that the holiday time would pass.”

Faseline Musanabire, 11, P.6, EPK Primary School.

"Since holidays come and go, I did not mind so much about the end of holiday time. But of course I will miss the time we spent playing games with children from the neighborhood. I will most especially miss a friend of mine called Eve.”

Divine Uwimazi 12, P.5, Kigali Harvest School.
