Fake friendships and personality traits
Thursday, November 03, 2022

Being a fake friend nowadays has become a new melody. People call each other fake friends regarding services or reality that don’t match with their expectations.

As humans, we all have different behaviors but in the end, we desire adorable things and to have reliable people who can be our right call away. However, you may rely on somebody and at the end, that person doesn't turn up for you, they immediately become a fake friend.

According to Innocent Munyeshuli, a producer, assistant director and production coordinator, sometimes people are selfish and that obviously brings conflicts.

"Some people expect you to do what they can’t do for themselves. What they can't afford within yet they have capacity, they expect it from other people. They force people to provide what they can’t also provide to others, just draining other’s energy,” he says.

He adds that, there are individuals who reach a place and the mood all over the place has changed, they just want to be the center of the attention.

He further says that some people are also negative, they serve bad energy and are more interested in discouraging their colleagues indirectly.

He gives an example of how sometimes you develop a business idea, share it with a few of your friends. Some will encourage you while others will observe points that will make your business fail before you even start. They discourage you and start saying things like your budget and more.

For Yvette Mchilla Keza, she dislikes people who are dependent on others, not responsible for their future, they think someone is there struggling for them.

"Some people just want everything on a silver plate regardless of the sweat of others, yet they also can. They are just lazy with fear of facing the working world. They rarely appreciate the service given to them, disvalue everything, and always complain of people not being enough for them. They raise standards with empty pockets, just waiting to be fed and they will never develop a heart of giving back, unless they are giving bribes, it will always just be about them matter,” Keza says

According to Sylvie Isimbi, a nurse, people who act entitled are the worst. They think they deserve respect more than others, they believe that they should get what they want because of who they are, and their sense of deservingness is not based on what others would consider to be good reasons.

She adds that people who are negative are also a big no to her circle, as they serve bad vibes indirectly and spoil everybody’s good mood.

"You have a certain bad behavior that you don’t want to admit, you always think you are right no matter how many folks have asked you to work on that. Besides, jealousy and nitpicking, nobody will fake it with you instead, your denied bad character will force them to,” Isimbi says.

Furthermore, negative people often have a hard time recognizing this behavior in themselves and sometimes, that bad behavior that you don’t want to confront puts you in an undefined relationship with others.

According to Psychology Today, negativity is to always have a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable and skeptical. It is a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst.

This description of negativity sounds very much like the sadness, irritability, hopelessness and catastrophic thinking that are part of depression or anxiety.

"Depression and anxiety are often intertwined in the same person”

A person might be basically positive, but have been ransacked. An optimistic, more naturally cheery person can be thwacked by circumstances, chronic or acute and their mood may change but not really be defined by bad vibes.

Additionally, Munyeshuli says that studies show that people who serve bad energy, always lack love from their families, society and that makes them desire being negative always, they only observe negativity.

"They need extra energy, we should create an environment that is safe for them, and we should not make them doubt themselves, be selfless and commit your presence to them.

He adds that they should also revisit themselves and figure out the cause, because, when somebody is negative, they are not happy too, they serve what they have.

Among other bad personality traits include, being judgmental, dishonesty, lack of flexibility, lack of empathy, respect, quick to anger, bossiness, arrogance, a lack of self-awareness, among others.