Five things to do to improve your career
Tuesday, June 07, 2022
Career growth requires deliberate actions

There are times we all feel stagnated in our careers and want to grow, whether in position or achievements. Some people will feel stuck in a place or even give up on work because of lack of growth.

However, experts say there are small things we can do to grow our careers, whether it is tweaking the way we do things or improving our qualifications, but if we did these things correctly, our careers will definitely grow.

Set yourself goals

Whether small or big goals, when they are achieved, the feeling is the same. One of the ways to make your career progress is to set goals for yourself. Short term goals lead to achieving mid-term goals and eventually long-term goals.

To achieve long-term goals, make sure you achieve your short-term goals. It is far wiser to set smaller goals throughout the year, starting with your day-to-day work. Focus on accomplishing small tasks and meeting deadlines. You will be amazed at the difference it will make.

Simply reporting to work and working without a target or goal, is one of the signs that show that you are frustrated. Work towards achieving something.

Plan ahead the goals you want to achieve and evaluate yourself every now and then to see if you are meeting your targets.

Push yourself

Don’t be comfortable with your current position or deliverables if you want to grow in your career. How about taking up other tasks at work? How about doing a little bit more even outside your known assignment?

They say that success is just outside of our comfort zone. So, it goes without saying that you must stretch beyond your area of expertise, learn a few skills here and there and be in handy whenever there is something that needs to be done or fixed.

This also means that you can do things that you fear, whether it is public speaking or addressing the media, making presentations on behalf of the organisation and just being a reliable employee. That is a sure way to grow.

 Listen to feedback, criticism

To grow in your career, be open to receiving feedback and criticism. Some people tend to think that they are being attacked or challenged when they are given feedback or criticised.

 Sometimes we grow out of the feedback and criticism we receive. In fact, if you are overpraised, chances of growing remain low because you become comfortable.

While self-assessment is important, it is also important to get feedback. And it is important to get feedback all the time. Correct the wrongs if they are pointed out to you.

Be passionate and curious about your work

Be invested in what you do. Spend time each and every week as a student of your industry or company. Study your industry and company as if you’ll be tested on them. Ask questions of people in your space. Ask your manager and colleagues questions. Ask your company’s customers how they feel.

Develop thoughtful insights about the industry and your company. And don’t be shy about sharing those insights. When you are passionate about what you do, you grow in it.

Read more and more

Don’t assume that you know everything about your work. Because you’ve been doing something for a long time, it doesn’t mean that you are the very best in that area.

Spend time reading blogs, big and small. Spend time reading books about your profession. Read business books that stretch your thinking.

Reading new things can start conversations when you’re networking and can also build your own career with new ways to do things and different work and life hacks to make life flow a little more smoothly.

Our jobs evolve every day. Keep reading and updating yourself to remain the best.