CEOs /Managers of the year 2009 : Choosing the CEO of the year was challenging

Making an assessment of who should be the CEO of the year in Rwanda is not an easy task. The survey itself though it is not based on real measurable parameters can be dismissed as baseless. However while making this survey we relied heavily on on-line tools. We used a number of different e-mail lists including those of government agencies and Rwandans in the Diaspora to feed us with nominations. We also made use of Facebook and Twitter and above all we heavily depended on the opinions of a variety of business players including officials from - as diverse as the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and the Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF).
L-R : Alex Kamara ;Joe Ritchie ;Henry Gaperi
L-R : Alex Kamara ;Joe Ritchie ;Henry Gaperi
Times Reporter