Over 40 Rwandans arrested in Uganda

Arbitrary arrests of Rwandans in Uganda have become commonplace in recent years with Kigali saying that hundreds of its nationals are languishing in ungazetted detention facilities mostly run by CMI.
LEFT: Ezechiel Muhawenimana, 36, his wife Esperance Dusabimana, 35, and their child who was born from a Ugandan prison, are among those seeking legal redress. RIGHT: Venant Musoni Hakolimana, a teacher who says he lost his job in Ethiopia when he was arrested by Ugandan security agents, is demanding US$1 million in compensation and the ordeal he was subjected to in detention. / Craish Bahizi
LEFT: Ezechiel Muhawenimana, 36, his wife Esperance Dusabimana, 35, and their child who was born from a Ugandan prison, are among those seeking legal redress. RIGHT: Venant Musoni Hakolimana, a teacher who says he lost his job in Ethiopia when he was arrested by Ugandan security agents, is demanding US$1 million in compensation and the ordeal he was subjected to in detention. / Craish Bahizi
Times Reporter