
 Pan Butamire
Pan Butamire
The New Times
Let’s celebrate as one great continent, not as these balkanised countries
The New Times
The Genocide against the Tutsi is that and nothing but
The New Times
To African intelligentsia schooled in the West: Africa is not a country
The New Times
Trying Kabuga in Rwanda would do him a lot of life-stretching good
The New Times
Little humans fighting over trinkets of Mother Nature’s abundance, you’ll be our death
The New Times
What kind are Western leaderships that they see others’ unity as anathema?
The New Times
Eliminating COVID-19 is a mission for which no sacrifice is too high
The New Times
Democracy is like a brain, everyone has their own
The New Times
The healthy but weighty burden of forgiveness
The New Times
Pandemic or none, the sharpness of the 1994 pain shall never diminish
The New Times
In a way, Rwanda was prepared for COVID-19!
Rwanda took the bull by its horns when the country imposed a 14-day lockdown to suppress COVID-19 when the cases were only five.
As usual, Rwanda takes the bull by the horns with vigour and rigour
The New Times
The power of solidarity; exhibitor of the futility of antagonism
The New Times
Kigali: the challenge of bettering superlatives
The New Times
After self-rediscovery, Rwandans are on the up and up
The New Times
Transparency, accountability and performance unfettered
The New Times
Leaders unable to deliver, move over; the citizenry of this land are in charge
The New Times
Clean Kigali as a sanctuary of Homo sapiens, flora and fauna?

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