
 Pan Butamire
Pan Butamire
Delegates follow Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland's remarks during the  Commonwealth meeting in Kigali in June 2022. Craish Bahizi
As a perennial host to international events, Rwanda has to always be in high feather
A view of a lit-road at Biryogo in Kigali. In Rwanda,  people believe that all roads are supposed to be night-lit.
Rwanda is a work in ceaseless progress
Rwandan troops in MINUSCA and in a bilateral arrangement have brought some measure of stability. Courtesy
For her history, Rwanda lives by the will to rescue those in distress
A visitor during a tour of Kigali Genocide Memorial to learn more about the history the Genocide against the Tutsi. File
Lamenting the shame that brought a country to her knees
The New Times
Rwanda: Soon the go-to place for efficient health services?
President Kagame and First Lady Jeannette Kagame present Christmas gifts to children at Village Urugwiro.
Want to meet President Kagame? Welcome to Village Urugwiro!
A view of a beautiful road in Bugesera District. Photo by Sam Ngendahimana
Show me the state of a country’s roads, I’ll show you the state of its government
A view of Kigali City
A lean, frugal government that’s democratic to a hilt
 The new Kicukiro flyover that was constructed last year to ease traffic flow at Sonatube roundabout. Rwanda has come a long way from the dusty streets that were prevalent in the 1990s. Photo/Courtesy
Rwanda: A people united will never be defeated
Every year, on April 7, Rwandans and friends of Rwanda across the world, join hands to begin a 100-days commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in which over a million lives perished. Olivier Mugwiza
A society sent into hell that, despite all, rose as compassion personified
A panel discussion during the RPF-Inkotanyi's 16th National Congress at Intare Conference Arena on Sunday , April 2. Photo by Village Urugwiro
Rwanda: the land of debated and consensus-built governance
The African Union (AU) during its annual ordinary meetings from February  27, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Courtesy
African Unity and the race towards the Most Developed Countries
Visitors in Lake Ruhondo in Burera District
The Murera of yesteryears among world’s greatest places to visit? Wonders will never end!
A view of the former Kigali City's taxi park in Nyarugenge. File
A stroll down memory lane
Delegates follow a panel discussion during the opening of the 18th National Dialogue in Kigali on Monday, February 27. Olivier Mugwiza
We in Africa were not put on this earth as objects of pity, abuse
The New Times
With vehicle-ownership speed at full throttle, will movement around Kigali not ‘go up for air’?
DR Congo President Felix Tshisekedi
DRC: Rwandans should demand the country’s leadership to snap!
Regional leaders during the third Inter-Congolese dialogue under the EAC-Led Nairobi Process on December 5. Courtesy
Momentary minuscule dots that we are in this universe, why don’t we live in harmony?

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