
 The New Times
The New Times
Some of illegal immigrants crossing the sea to enter in the  UK illegally.
Migration crisis: Only winners in UK court ruling are human traffickers
President Kagame implored the youth to pick up from where the country has been brought and do their part to make sure the fruits of sacrifices made by the liberators are not put to waste.
The youth in Rwanda have their work cut out; but are they ready?
The New Times
We all have a role to play in the continued liberation journey
The New Times
French judiciary is finally getting it, but the journey is still long
UN peacekeepers Monusco in DR Congo
UN needs to play the honest broker in DR Congo
The New Times
French probe of Bisesero massacre long overdue but welcome
Mourners visit Bisesero Genocide Memorial in Karongi District (Sam Ngendahimana)
French probe of Bisesero massacre long overdue but welcome
Thousands of Congolese refugees at Kigeme Refugee Camp in Nyamagabe district protest against the genocidal violence committed against Congolese Tutsi in eastern DR Congo, on Monday December 12,2022. Willy Mucyo
Inclusion of refugees is key, but creating conditions for repatriation is even better
One of some pictures  showing how Kinyarwandaphones undergo severe torture in eastern DR Congo. Courtesy
Solutions to DR Congo problems certainly lie elsewhere, not with UN
The New Times
Day against hate speech: We must walk the talk
Some of DR Congo citizens who are Kinyarwanda Speakers, captured here undergo  a severe torture in Eastern DR Congo. Courtesy
Day against hate speech: We must walk the talk
Fulgence Kayishema appears in the Cape Town Magistrates Court, in Cape Town, South Africa May 26, 2023. REUTERS
Southern Africa should sustain momentum on genocide fugitives
Clockwise Celestin Mutabaruka, Dr Vincent Bajinya, Emmanuel Nteziryayo, Celestin Ugirashebuja, Charles Munyaneza are Genocide  fugitives who live in the UK. File (1) (1)
Fighting impunity is a collective responsibility
Genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.  Internet
Kabuga case collapse yet another stab at genocide survivors
Irembo staff showcasing how the platform operates. Irembo plans to introduce more 400 services which will soon be provided through the portal.
As Irembo expands, the ‘self-service’ culture must be deepened
Leaders pose for a group photo at the 10th Extraordinary Summit of ICGLR in Luanda, Angola on June 3. The Summit discussed  the peace and security situation in eastern DRC and in Sudan.
Kinshasa must be confronted for scuttling peace processes
The New Times
Laptop for teachers not a luxury but a necessity
Reusable sanitary pads made by Love Centre. Photo by Craish Bahizi
Reusable sanitary pads could be the solution to period poverty

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