
 Hudson Kuteesa
Hudson Kuteesa
Bernard Makuza, the president of Rwandan senate receiving the ambassador of the United States to Rwanda Peter Vrooman at his office on May 9, 2019. / Nadege Imbabazi
Makuza, US envoy, discuss regional security
R-L: Amb. Takayuki Miyashita, the Japanese envoy to Rwanda, chats with Foreign  Affairs minister Dr Richard Sezibera, and Amb. Charles Murigande, former Rwandau2019s envoy to Japan, as other guests look on in Kigali on Thursday. Craish Bahizi.
Japanese in Rwanda celebrate new emperor
The Minister for Public Service and Labour Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa (2nd left), Eastern Province Governor Fred Mufulukye (left) and other officials are taken through the process of milk production at Inyange Industries plant in Nyagatare District yesterday. At the national level, Labour Day was marked under the theme: u201cQuality Work, A Catalyst for Sustainable Developmentu201d. Jean de Dieu Nsabimana.
Labour Day: The sticking issues affecting workers
Mourners at the commemoration event observe a minute of silence to remember  the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi. Hudson Kuteesa.
Kwibuka25: Agric sector workers pay tribute to slain employees
Ange Umuraganyurwa (centre) narrates her ordeal last week as employees of Kigali Marriott Hotel paid tribute to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Courtesy.
Genocide: A seven year old girl’s battle for survival
Equipment for blood analysis at a clinic. Net photo.
Quack medics: Govt closes 15 health facilities in crackdown
L-R: Aimable Rumongi, Mexicou2019s Honorary Consul to Rwanda; Francisco Ernesto Romero, the Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Mexico in Kenya and Michel Sebera, Permanent Secretary for MINICOM pose for a photo after the launch of the consulate. Crash Bahizi.
Mexican honorary consulate launched
Clapton Kibonge. Courtesy.
Daymakers’ comedy show to tackle society issues
Benjamin Dube. Net.
South Africa’s Benjamin Dube to perform in Kigali
The Minister for health, Dr Diane Gashumba gives milk to children in Nyagatare District on Wednesday. She said that Baho Neza, the Integrated Health Campaign will focus on raising awareness on family planning, and teenage pregnancy prevention. Courtesy.
New campaign seeks to tackle teenage pregnancy, promote maternal health
Participants during the just-concluded EAC and DR Congo Cross Border Malaria control initiative meeting in Kigali. Courtesy photos.
Rwanda to unveil new plan to eliminate malaria
Children under a mosquito net. Net photo.
DR Congo, East Africa seek collaboration in malaria fight
Crowds at the gospel concert at the Expo Ground at Gikondo on Easter Sunday. Photos/ Courtesy.
Patient Bizimana, DR Congo’s Alka Mbumba thrill gospel lovers
The New Times
Kwibuka25: Top Chinese official pays tribute to Genocide victims
Dr Ndimubanzi, with Indian High commissioner to Rwanda, Amb. Oscar Kerketta, during a tour of CAMERWA medical store at Kacyiru on April 16, 2019. Craish Bahizi.
Rwanda receives hepatitis drugs donation from India
The New Times
Alibaba to open e-commerce class for Rwandan students
Marriott staff and other mourners at the event. Photos by Craish Bahizi.
Kigali Marriott Hotel remembers 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi
Umuringau2019s restaurnat at Gishushu, Remera. Photos by Hudson Kuteesa
Genocide survivor reflects on the time her husband was killed seven months after their wedding, her survival, and single parenting

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