
 Joan Mbabazi
Joan Mbabazi
Make time for friends and family. Net photo
Are we too busy for others?
Through positive comments, children are shown how to think and talk positively . Net photo.
Children & Education
Why kids need to be complimented
Kids from SOS childrenu2019s villages Rwanda shout for joy as they are hosted by Radisson Blu Hotel in Kigali yesterday. Sam Ngendahimana.
Radisson Blu treats needy kids to Christmas goodies
In a week, Mukashema sells about 15 to 20 Kgs of mushrooms to local restaurants and retailers with each Kilogram going for Rwf1,500. Photos by Joan Mbabazi.
Mushroom farmer gives tips to enter the sub-sector
A fruit stall inside Kigali City Market. People living with HIV should  eat enough food every day and a balanced diet.P/Net photo
The dos and don’ts of living with HIV
The New Times
Fashionista shares tips to having a successful fashion business
The New Times
Thirty teenage girls excel in a tech course
Getting a massage is a great way to relax. Net photo
Give yourself a treat
One of the particpants spelling out a word,at Mt Kenya University, Kicukiro. Joan Mbabazi.
Children & Education
Spelling competitions to improve language, confidence amongst learners
The New Times
Children & Education
The significance of reading, writing to kids
The protocal team poses for a group photo. Photos by Joan Mbabazi.
Young entrepreneur gives insights to the protocol services as a business
The New Times
Stillbirth: What expectant parents need to know
 Like previously, Christmas bazaar was organised by Radisson Blu Hotel in Kimuhurura, on Thursday. Photos by  Emmanuel Kwizera.
Radisson Blu Hotel thrills with Christmas bazaar
One of the speakers addressing student leaders at Iwawe Hotel, Kacyiru. Courtesy photo.
Children & Education
Leaders’ programme to enable transparency, accountability in university management launched
The New Times
Children & Education
The importance of holiday packages
The New Times
Children & Education
How to make Christmas season fun
A garden of mushrooms at the teenageru2019s home in Kibagabaga. Photos by Joan Mbabazi.
Meet 18-year-old student who makes a living from mushroom farming
Eating potassium is a great bloating remedy, as potassium helps your kidneys flush out excess salt and helps your body maintain fluid balance..
How to ease bloating

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