
 Patrick Nzabonimpa
Patrick Nzabonimpa
Students of Glory Academy pose for a photo with mental health activists after the event. Courtesy photos
Mental health: Young activists take the discussion to schools
First Lady Jeannette Kagame delivers remarks during the launch of African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Rwanda Chapter at Intare Conference Arena on March 1. Photos by Craish Bahizi
First Lady launches African Women Leaders Network Rwanda Chapter
Officials and engineers pose for a group photo during the launch. The design and construction will be done by Rwandan firms Atelier and HYGEBAT, respectively. The construction will last for 12 months.
FEATURED: Norrsken Kigali House announces third phase of construction
The 15 women who completed training and different officials who attended the event posing for a picture after the graduation ceremony. Photos by Craish Bahizi
FEATURED: 15 women complete training in Internet of Things, entrepreneurship
(L-R): Marcellin Nyirishyaka, Data Strategy Manager at Cenfri, Yves K. Ngenzi, Head of Strategic Programs at Rwanda Chamber of Tourism and Alex Ntale, CEO of the ICT Chamber having a panel discussion during a data talk event on February 24. Courtesy photos
FEATURED: How Rwanda's tourism industry can leverage data for growth
Grace Ingabire, Chief Executive Officer of RICTA speaking during the stakeholders meeting on February 23. Courtesy photos
Why local firms should embrace .rw domain name
Serge Niyonkuru, co-founder and CEO of Dropawave. Courtesy
Local innovator on app that will help curb road accidents
Robert Masozera, the Director General of RCHA speaks during the event. Courtesy
How new AI infrastructure will preserve Kinyarwanda
The New Times
What Cogebanque has in store for customers at Tour du Rwanda 2023
Some RPF Inkotanyi who travelled from many different parts of the UK to attend the party's 35th anniversary.
PHOTOS: RPF members in Asia, UK celebrate party’s 35th anniversary
Ramadhan Romeo Nsabimana
Local tattoo artist on his journey, need to take care of clients’ health
Solange Umutesi, District Executive Administrator of Kicukiro district, Fidele Nsengiyaremye, Executive Director of GAERG with other GAERG leaders pose for a photo after the campaign. Courtesy photos
New initiative launched to tackle mental health issues, build resilience
Kevin Kade
Kevin Kade set to release debut EP in March
Eric Kwizera with some beneficiaries of his initiative pose for a photo after a meeting.
How 20-year-old Kwizera made 1000 girls save millions, fight unwanted pregnancies
Some female scientists who broke boundaries and made important discoveries throughout history.
PHOTOS: 10 women who made important contributions to science throughout history 
FAWE Girls School students learning biology during the launch of TEST program (tech-enabled STEM teaching ) in Kigali in 2020. Photo by Craish Bahizi
What must be done to enroll more girls in STEM
Some of the PWDs in Muhoza sector, Musanze District who were visited by Ubuzima Innovation Hub on January 30. Courtesy
Healthcare enthusiasts on delivering psychoeducation to people living with disabilities
Alex Rudasingwa, the coordinator of La Cène Littéraire with some of the members of a reading club at Saint Ignatius High School. Courtesy photo
Literary enthusiasts on promoting reading culture in schools

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