
 Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo
Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo
(L-R) Richard Nyirishema, the Minister of Sports, Christine Nkulikiyinka, the Minister of Public Service and Labour and Prudence Sebahizi, the Minister of Trade and Industry.
New cabinet members outline priorities
Gasabo Primary Court on Monday, August 19, postponed the bail hearing of Davis Sezisoni Manzi. Courtesy
Trial of suspect in $10 million forex fraud case postponed
One of the newly completed housing units at the ongoing construction project of phase one of a halfway social reintegration centre commonly known as “Halfway home”. Courtesy
PHOTOS: First halfway homes to be completed this year - RCS
Manzi is suspected of swindling $10 million in an online foreign exchange trading scheme since 2020.
Man suspected of duping 500 people in $10m forex fraud to be arraigned
Flags of the Commonwealth member states hoisted in Kigali during the CHOGM in 2022. Rwanda will for the first time host the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association conference from September 8 to 12 . Photo by Craish Bahizi
Rwanda to host C’mwealth judicial conference: what you need to know
The 114 new ambulances mark the largest single acquisition in the country’s history. They were handed over to hospitals on Friday, August 9. Photos by Craish BAHIZI
PHOTOS: Five things to know as Rwanda acquires over 100 new ambulances
RURA has announced a reduction in the price of gasoline to Rwf1,629 per litre while the price for diesel remains unchanged at Rwf1,652 per litre. Craish Bahizi
RURA announces slight reduction in price of gasoline
Students have lunch at school through school feeding programme in Kicukiro District. Photo by Craish Bahizi
Over Rwf 20 million raised for school feeding scheme
The revised family and persons law published on July 30 stipulates that one or both spouses can apply for separation without necessarily dissolving the marriage. ALEX GREEN/PEXELS
Separation without divorce? Yes, new law gives married couples cooling-off period
Wenceslas Twagirayezu, the 56-year-old genocide convict was sentenced on July 31 by the Court of Appeal in Kigali to 20 years in prison.
Genocide survivors welcome court's decision to overturn acquittal of Wenceslas Twagirayezu
Wenceslas Twagirayezu, a 56 was found guilty of participation in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and sentenced  to 20 years in prison.
Court of appeal sentences Wenceslas Twagirayezu to 20 years for Genocide
Some of the inmates at Nyarugenge Prison. During the 2023-2024 period, over 12,000 cases were resolved through mediation and plea-bargaining. Photo by Craish Bahizi
Rwanda saved over Rwf7bn through alternative dispute resolution in 2023
Genocide convict Tito Barahira has died at the age of 72 in France. Internet
Genocide convict Tito Barahira passes away in France
Driving test car at Rwanda national police. Presidential Order approved the use of automatic transmission vehicles on July 25. File
Driving tests: What’s next after Rwanda okays use of automatic cars?
Court spokesperson Harrison Mutabazi told The New Times that while most judges and judicial officers head for a month-long recess in August, a select few will remain on duty to handle urgent matters. These urgent matters, he noted, typically include pre-trial detentions and other pressing applications.
What happens to ongoing cases when judges go on vacation?
Gaspard Twagirayezu, the Minister of Education distributes exam papers during the official launch of the examination at GS Remera Protestant in Kicukiro District on Tuesday, July 23. Emmanuel Dushimimana
PHOTOS: Over 235,000 candidates begin secondary school national examinations
The exams are scheduled to start Tuesday, July 23 and end on August 2, with the official launch happening at GS Remera Protestant in Kicukiro District. File
Ordinary, Advanced Level national exams commence on Tuesday
Frank Habineza, the chairman of the Green Party, has commended Rwandans for their support in the just concluded July 14-16 elections.
Green Party’s Habineza: We shall continue to strive for Rwanda’s betterment

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