
 Edwin Musoni
Edwin Musoni
Nyarugenge Intermediate Court has handed former State Minister in charge of Culture Edouard Bamporiki a four-year jail sentence and a fine of Rwf60 million, on Friday, September 30. / File
Bamporiki sentenced to four-year imprisonment
A view of a maize plantation in Eastern Province. / Sam Ngendahimana
EAC smallholder farmers call for better management of seeds
A view of former Kigali central Prison. The Catholic Church is set to relocate its St Michel cathedral to the premises of the former Kigali Central Prison commonly known as 1930. / Sam Ngendahimana
Former ‘1930 prison’ design to be preserved as Catholic Church occupies premises
President Paul Kagame promoted Maj. Gen. Innocent Kabandana to the rank of Lieutenant General on September 26. Courtesy
Kagame promotes Innocent Kabandana to Lieutenant-General
A health worker during temperature screening at Gatuna One Stop Border Post on May 27, 2019. All travellers entering Rwanda from Uganda are now subject to screening following an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda.File
Ebola: Rwanda tightens measures as death toll increases in Uganda
Minister for Trade and Industry, Jean-Chrysostome Ngabitsinze during the interview on Friday, September 23. / Photo: Olivier Mugwiza.
Trade is steadily rebounding after Covid-19 – Minister Ngabitsinze
Minister of Trade and Industry, Jean-Chrysostome Ngabitsinze, during the interview on Friday, September 23. Olivier Mugwiza
Trade with Uganda is picking up – Minister Ngabitsinze
The New Times
Rwanda tightens measures as Uganda reports more Ebola cases
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus virtually addresses the awarding event on September 21. Rwanda NCD Alliance was awarded by UN  in recognition of the organisation’s work in building multi-sectoral collaboration on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Rwanda. Courtesy
Rwandan civil society group gets UN award
President Kagame addresses the General Debate of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York on September 21. / Photo: Village Urugwiro
Kagame: Blame game will not fix DR Congo problems
World leaders during  the 77th edition of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 21. Courtesy.
The future is digital, Kagame tells UN General Assembly
Health workers during a training on how to take care of Ebola patient at Kanombe Hospital on October 25, 2018. The National Ebola Taskforce has been reactivated and put on high alert to monitor cases of Ebola. / Sam Ngendahimana
Rwanda on high alert as Ebola breaks out in Uganda
School children wash their hands to prevent the spread of Covid-19 at Groupe Scolaire Kicukiro on January 13, 2021.
According to the Ministry of Health, over two million children under 11 will get Covid jabs. Photo: Dan Nsengiyumva.
Over two million children under 12 to get Covid jabs
Britain and the world on Monday said their final goodbyes to Queen Elizabeth II in a somber ceremony that drew leaders from across continents, including President
Paul Kagame, the Commonwealth Chair-In-Office. The late monarch, who reigned for 70 years before dying aged 96 on September 8, was laid to rest at Windsor Castle
in London. Photo: Courtesy.
Queen Elizabeth II laid to rest
The New Times
Queen Elizabeth II to be laid to rest
President Kagame speaks at the Global Africa Business Initiative on September 18. / Photo: Courtesy
Create an enabling environment for African youth to realise their full potential – Kagame
Delegates during a guide tour of Embraer's latest E195-E2 aircraft that was displayed at Kigali International Airport. This aircraft is the latest generation of technology that the world has to offer. It has high bypass ratio engines. / Photos: Olivier Mugwiza
Inside Embraer’s latest next-generation aircraft
A delegate during a tour of the exhibition at the 6th Aviation Africa Summit and Exhibition that kicked off  in Kigali on Monday, September 12. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza
Aero-manufacturers urged to leverage African market

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