
 Michel Nkurunziza
Michel Nkurunziza
Edouard Bamporiki.
A call to heroism in times of a pandemic
The New Times
City of Kigali distributes food relief to over 70,000 households
The New Times
Climate agenda: Why return of US is good news for developing countries
Grassroots leaders package relief supplies before they were distributed to vulnerable households during the Covid-19 lockdown in April last year. Unlike previously, emergency food will this time be distributed door-to-door by youth volunteers across the City of Kigali. / Photo: File.
Food relief in Kigali to be distributed door-to-door
The New Times
The resilience of a mother raising 26-year-old twins with multiple disabilities
Immigration services  to be  applied  online. Those  services include applying for passports, visa and permits, Refugee Travel Documents, Laissez Passer . / Sam Ngendahimana
Immigration services go online amid Covid-19 lockdown
At Nyarugenge market, shoppers were seen loading sacks of groceries into their cars. Many said they were stocking up in case of speculation by retailers which might lead to price hikes. / Photo: Dan Nsengiyumva.
Panic shopping as Kigali goes back into lockdown
The New Times
Female entrepreneur’s journey from labourer to employer
The New Times
Rwanda moves to stimulate transition to electric vehicles on local market
Artistic impression of the construction of the Ellen DeGeneres campus, close to Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park in Kinigi sector of Musanze district is at 50 percent.
Construction of $10m gorilla conservation centre nears completion
A worker paints doors and windows of newly constructed classrooms at Groupe Scolaire Kimironko I on January 13, 2020.
Mad rush to fix gaps ahead of return of younger schoolchildren
The New Times
Severe weather warning issued
The watermelon fruits that managed to grow do not look healthy. / Photo: Courtesy.
Farmers seek compensation for ‘fake’ watermelon seeds
The construction works of Rwf270m solar-powered pineapple drying factory in Ngoma District. The facility was set to start operations in August this year, officials said. / Photo: Courtesy.
Setback for farmers as rains disrupt construction of pineapple processing plant
Parfaite Umutesi markets and sells artisanal products from the cooperative. / Photo: Courtesy.
What support do artisans require to grow Made-in-Rwanda products?
The factory processes 500 Kilogrammes of avocado per day as raw materials to produce avocado oil and other products. / Photos: Courtesy.
From Rwf7, 000 capital to Rwf200m enterprise: young entrepreneur’s journey
A view of Kigali city .The government had repossessed over 1.4 million plots of land countrywide until  December 31, 2020, Sam Ngendahimana
Govt repossess over 1.4 million plots of unregistered land
The New Times
Hategeka presents credentials to Bahrain foreign minister

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