
 Michel Nkurunziza
Michel Nkurunziza
New mass graves were recently discovered in Kabuga suburb of Kigali city where potentially thousands of Genocide victims are believed to be buried. Officials say that writing by Genocide convicts will help reveal the whereabouts of more victimsu2019 remains. File.
When convicts document their role in Genocide
One of RFTC buses in a designated zone in Kigali. Courtesy
RURA strengthens regulations to improve efficiency in transport sector
Eletric poles production requires investment into tree planting. Michel Nkurunziza
Private sector urged to invest in forests
A walk for Water was organized to raise awareness on Water resources protection
Strengthening partnerships with stakeholders for better integrated water resource management
RSSB remembers 19 victims of genocide against the Tutsi. All photos by Michel Nkurunziza.
FEATURED: RSSB commits to do preserve evidence about genocide planning in the former social security board
Roasted coffee beans. File.
Value addition of coffee exports drives up value
The New Times
Bralirwa after-tax profit up by over 260%
The New Times
How Rwanda’s largest climate resilience investment is taking shape
Prof. Philip Cotton, the vice-chancellor of the University of Rwanda (UR) will be among the participants at the meeting. Nadege Imbabazi.
Education experts to discuss scarcity of researchers in regional varsities
Eng.Bovine Ishemaryayo, has designed an electronic software dubbed _e-saving.Michel Nkurunziza
23-year-old entrepreneur building wide reaching tech enterprise
The New Times
Refugees start income generating activities to supplement food rations
Youth in Iwawa Rehabilitation center was screened of Tuberculosis.Michel Nkurunziza
TB contamination rates fall – officials
Meeting safety standards in food production will ensure exports fulfil quality requirements. All photos by Michel Nkurunziza.
Agro-processing sector could save Rwanda $118m annually
The HACCP system calls for safe techniques averting any contamination of processed foods. (Net photo)
Only 40 per cent of industrial food products meet all standards: report
Faustin Munyazikwiye, DDG of REMA, and Egide Nkuranga, the president of environmental practioners association.Michel Nkurunziza
Rwandans urged to leverage green climate funding facility
The proposed microfinance bank will help fund activities such as upgrading Nyabugogo bus park. Nadege Imbabazi.
Microfinance bank to boost transport sector
Some of the sediments in Nyabarongo river. / Michel Nkurunziza
Govt to offer incentives to farmers dedicated to conserving ecosystems
Innocent Nzabonimpa (right), the president of beekeeping and honey processing cooperative COPANYAKA at the cooperatives expo. Nadege Imbabazi.
Govt moves to streamline cooperatives management

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