
 Michel Nkurunziza
Michel Nkurunziza
Eugene Rusanganwa, the Advisor to the Deputy Chief Justice,  explains about the UPR recommendations on Friday. Michel Nkurunziza.
Call for greater civil society role in promoting rights
Minister for Environment Dr Vincent Biruta during a past news briefing. Sam Ngendahimana.
Over 100,000 Rwandans can cope with climate change – Biruta
Stakeholders discuss how to boost job creation for the youth and women. Michel Nkurunziza.
RDB urges private sector to avail more internship opportunities for varsity students
The students were trained for a year. Below:  Girls trained in hairdressing attend to clients.All photos by Michel Nkurunziza
Women empowerment: Skills development of girls through vocational training
Residents  of Nyarubaka sector take trees to their farms. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza
NAEB launches fruit project to shore up agricultural exports
The New Times
From Rwf 40, 000, young entrepreneur now owns multi-million avocado oil firm
The New Times
Environmental watchdog moves to identify intervention areas pending climate funding
 Ellen Kallinowsky, the principal Technical Advisor of Eco-Emploi Programme, CEO of PSF, Stephen Ruzibiza, Hon. Soraya Hakuziyaremye, Minister MINICOM and the Germany Ambassador H.E Dr. Peter Woeste opening the ICT Pavillion at the Expo. (Photos by Emmanuel Kwizera)
FEATURED: Wood, tourism and ICT exhibitors supported by Eco-Emploi programme shine at the Made in Rwanda Expo 2018
The New Times
Taxman impounds Rwf590m worth of smuggled products
IPRC-Musanze graduates Erie Nshimiyimana and Tharcisse Ndahimana showcase their reinforced concrete garden furniture made out of cement at the just-concluded in Made-in-Rwanda Expo in Gikondo, Kigali. All photos by Sam Ngendahimana.
Young innovators impress at Made-in-Rwanda Expo
At  least 14,000 computers are set to be distributed this academic year  according to official. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza
Children & Education
Over 14,000 laptops to be distributed to varsity students to improve learning
Police and government officials burn drugs recently. The government uses over Rwf7 billion annually on fighting and treating drug abuse. Emmanuel Kwizera.
Govt loses over Rwf7bn to drug abuse
Locally made shoes on display at Gikondo Expo Grounds yesterday. Right, the Minister for Trade and Industry, Soraya Hakuziyaremye, addresses the media at the same venue Wednesday. The minister said more effort is needed by both the government and the Private Sector Federation to improve on the quantity and quality of locally made products. Sam Ngendahimana
Govt in new push for quality, affordable locally made products
Dr Mukarabaramba and other officials launch the ICT training centre for persons with disabilities in Kicukiro District yesterday. Michel Nkurunziza.
Govt seeks to create 2,000 jobs for disabled people
The staff of the Chinese embassy visit the coffee roasting plant. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza.
Chinese envoy pledges market for Rwanda’s coffee,tea
The New Times
Rwf600 million project to enhance climate information for farmers
L-R: Ru00e9gis Umugiraneza (RYAF), Albert Nzamukwereka (DFID), Jane Abatoni (ARCT Ruhuka), and Alex Nkurunziza (Rwanda Religious Platform) discuss the partnership between govt, CSOs and the private sector at Lemigo Hotel in Kigali on Friday.  Michel Nkurunziza.
Civil society joins govt in fight against poverty
Bishop Alex Birindabagabo, the chairperson of the Purpose Driven Ministriesu2019 PEACE Plan. Net photo.
Religious leaders to meet over drug abuse

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