
 Michel Nkurunziza
Michel Nkurunziza
Farmers cooperatives highlighted the issues they face. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza.
Extent of financial losses from climatic hazard affecting farmers
Activists and officials warned businesses of engaging in child labour. Photos by Michel Nkurunziza.
Businesses to face punitive measures if found engaging in child labour
James Nkubito is in charge of promotion and branding of cooperatives at Rwanda Cooperative Agency. Michel Nkurunziza
Cooperatives Union to crack down on embezzlers
A newly constructed bus stop at Chez Lando. Kigali City officials say that such facilities will protect passengers from being exposed to rain or scorching sun. Passengers will be able to access free internet while in these spaces. Sam Ngendahimana.
Kigali city bus stops to go hi-tech
The New Times
Savings associations enabling Nyanza residents to fight poverty, malnutrition
Veterinary doctors could benefit from saving scheme. Michel Nkurunziza.
Veterinary doctors mull own saving scheme and micro-finance institution
Musengimana Julienne, a mother who adopted children says, it is a blessing.
FEATURED: How SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda has built foster families’ capacity in quality alternative care and protection of children
The New Times
Study highlights challenges facing farmers’ cooperatives
RDB chief executive Clare Akamanzi (in a red dress) inspects locally made products in Kicukiro District last week.Photo by Michel Nkurunziza.
Local entrepreneurs decry high cost of raw materials
Jean Damascene Sinzabaheza, the president of the cooperative Dukomeze ubuzima. Michel Nkurunziza
How agribusiness has turned around fortunes of people with disabilities
The COO of RDB Emmanuel Hategeka said tourism revenues are set to double as hospitality sector is concerned. Michel Nkurunziza.
Grading the hospitality sector could help double tourism revenues
The New Times
Teachers’ coop recovers Rwf1.2bn in defaulted loans
Bralirwau2019s managing director, Victor Madiela launches Heineken at Kigali convention cente. Michel Nkurunziza.
Made in Rwanda Heineken cost Bralirwa Euro 9 million
Rwanda Agricultural Board Director General Patrick Karangwa shakes hands with Dr Liu Guodao after signing a pact that will see Chinese experts help to reduce post harvest losses in Rwanda. Michel Nkurunziza.
Rwanda, China partnership to reduce post-harvest loss to 5%
Journalists share ideas on children's rights during the training. / Michel Nkurunziza
FEATURED: SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda raises awareness of guidelines of child’s rights protection
The national competition on protecting cyber space was concluded yesterday with 12 winners taking away laptops and other facilities. Michel Nkurunziza.
Cybersecurity efforts mobilise local innovative solutions
The master plan has designated areas where urban farming will take place. Michel Nkurunziza.
90 per cent of city dwellers to access decent housing by 2050
The New Times
French beans turn into goldmine for graduate

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