
 Michel Nkurunziza
Michel Nkurunziza
Residents of Bumbogo Sector in Gasabo District queue for water during a recent shortage. Photo: File.
Floods could spike the cost of water treatment in Kigali
Eng. Coletha U. Ruhamya; Director General of Rwanda Environmental management (REMA) speaks about single-use plastic ban.
FEATURED: How banning of single-use plastics will contribute to environment protection for Rwanda’s green development
The New Times
FEATURED: Gicumbi: I&M Bank Rwanda plc joins citizens for Umuganda-Community Work and pays health insurance premiums to vulnerable people.
The fund, which started supporting green projects in 2013, has enabled the securing of over 21.1 million hectares of land against erosion. Courtesy.
Rwanda green fund creates over 138,000 green jobs
Green Fund Rwanda Chief Executive Officer Hubert Ruzibiza explains how the green city pilot site in Kinyinya will incorporate affordable housing with innovative financial and loan tools, including rent-to-own options. / Sam Ngendahimana
Green city project to offer free houses to destitute residents
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente said more efforts are needed in tax collection so that taxes contribute 20.4 per cent to national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2024. / Craish Bahizi
Taxes will contribute 20.4% to GDP by 2024 – Prime Minister
Hubert Ruzibiza, CEO of Fonerwa explaining the Green project. Michel Nkurunziza.
Green city project to create 16,000 jobs
Faustin Munyazikwiye, the Deputy Director-General of REMA interacts with clerics during  consultative meetings on environment and climate change issues in Kigali yesterday (Sam Ngendahimana
Religious groups urged to join climate change battle
Farmers often sell their potato produce at giveaway prices during harvest season. File.
Search for post-harvest technologies as farmers battle poor prices
Caisse des Affaires Financiu00e8res (CAF) Isonga Ltd, a Rwandan micro-finance institution, that had an office in Muhanga District, closed this year but depositors are set to be paid back. Michel Nkurunziza.
Defunct Micro-Finance Institutions ‘shouldn’t mean losses for depositors’
Giancorlo Davite, Director General of Kipharma (L) and ES of Rwezamenyo (far right) give health insurance cards to a vulnerable residents. / Courtesy photos
330 households receive health insurance coverage
Francis Gatare, the CEO of Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (R) talks to Coletha Ruhamya, Director General of REMA recently. / Courtesy
Govt to consolidate small mining operators
Farmers and processors were equipped  with skills to boost processing and preservation technologies of agricultural products. / Craish Bahizi
Farmers in new drive to reduce fruits and vegetables post-harvest losses
(L-R) Member of Board in East Africa Business Emmanuel Nkusi, EABC  Vice Chairman, Dennis Karera, and Board Member Unda Kalimba address during press the conference at Kigali on November 20, 2019. / Craish Bahizi
EAC business community wants air transport costs reviewed
Cement trucks imported by Rwandan businessmen recently. (Dan Nsengiyumva)
EAC business community wants transport costs reviewed ahead of Summit
An aerial view of Kigali Special Economic Zone. Rwanda. (Emmanuel Kwizera)
Local firms seek protection from imported rival products
The New Times
FEATURED: How Musanase mints millions from meat selling
The move of using methane gas for cooking could help reduce reliance on wood fuel from 80 per cent to 40 per cent. Net photo.
Rwanda explores use of methane gas for cooking

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