
 Glory Iribagiza
Glory Iribagiza
Cindy Ruta, a Rwandan entrepreneur produces mayonnaise during the interview on July 20.
Meet Cindy Ruta, the brains behind Made-in-Rwanda ketchup, mayo
Robert Masozera, the Director General of the Rwanda Cultural Heritage. Photo: File.
When culture meets activism in quest for gender equality
Gu00e9rard Nsabimana, Director of the Market Conduct Supervision Department at the National Bank of Rwanda during the interview on July 6. Photo: Courtesy.
New loan comparator will increase consumers’ bargaining power – NationalBank of Rwanda
The New Times
Sixty-three years later, King Rudahigwa’s death remains a mystery
Flore-Agnu00e8s Zoa, Boubacar Boris Diopu2019s editor, addresses the audience during the signing of u2018Murambi, the book of bonesu2019 at Norrsken House in Kigali on July 15. Photos: Courtesy.
‘Book of Bones’ author, editor on need to uphold Genocide literature
Divine Akimana poses for a picture illustrating how their reusable sanitary pads can be worn. Photo by Craish Bahizi
The enduring struggle with period poverty
Boubacar Boris Diop at his book signing in Kigali on July 15
Genocide: Book on Murambi Tutsi massacre to be published in 17 languages
Clients at Marina Bella salon where natural hair dressing services are provided in Kigali.
How natural hair movement is taking shape in Kigali
Bugesera residents during a meeting. While the global community celebrates the World Population Day every July 11, this yearu2019s celebration in Rwanda coincides with the 5th Population and Housing Census.
World Population Day: How to ensure demographic resilience
Massamba Intore during his performance at  Inkotanyi concert on Friday, July 8. Masamba was mainly singing liberation songs to mark the 28th anniversary of the Liberation .All Photos by Craish Bahizi
IN PICTURES: Kigalians salute Inkotanyi in liberation concert
Participants during a meeting to unveil the new electronic tool that will help districts and the City of Kigali to consistently monitor and report on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
RALGA unveils new technology to monitor SDGs in districts
The writer and her pals enjoy their time out during the picnic. Photo: Courtesy.
Picnics: Kigalians finally enjoying their green?
Women members of parliament during a session on July 28.The Global Gender Gap Index ranks Rwanda the second most gender equal country in Africa and seventh in the world, with a score of 80.5 percent. Photo by Craish Bahizi
Why legitimacy can only be measured from a citizen perspective
Some of the soldiers during a seminar in Rushaki during the Liberation War. Located in the current Gicumbi District, Rushaki was one of the prominent bases of the liberation struggle.
Why Rwanda wasn’t paradise but a ‘dream home’ for those in and out of the country
A woman sleeping under a mosquito net in Bugesera District. In 2020, an estimated 241 million people had malaria, and 627,000 of them died, an increase of 69,000 deaths over the previous year. Photo: File.
Can Commonwealth countries eradicate malaria by 2030?
The New Times
FEATURED: Inzozi jackpot lotto revamped; easier to play and win
The New Times
IN PICTURES: How CHOGM 2022 went down
Health workers conduct a cervical cancer vaccination exercise in Nyanza. WHO member states endorsed the global strategy towards the elimination of Cervical Cancer by 2030.
Increase investment in national cervical cancer control -- CHOGM delegates

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