
 Emmanuel Ntirenganya
Emmanuel Ntirenganya
Non- traditional exports are increasingly  raking in more revenue from exports. Courtesy
Rwanda’s agricultural exports grow by 44% to over Rwf447b
State Minister for Agriculture Fulgence Nsengiyumva   officially launches the Rwf14 billion irrigation project for in Rulindo yesterday. Emmanuel Ntirenganya.
Rwf14 billion scheme helps build Rulindo farmers’ resilience to drought
Arsene Simbi, the team leader of STES Group young innovators, showing how the solar-powered soil test and irrigation system works on August 21, 2018  in Kigali. Courtesy.
How African youth are leveraging ICTs to tap into Africa’s agribusiness market
Nyakarundi (centre) and some of his staff. He has developed a technology that uses solar energy to power devices such as telephone and connect people, especially rural communities to internet. Courtesy.
Rwandan nominated for Rwf160m Innovation Prize
Minister Jeanne du2019Arc De Bonheur during a past news briefing. Sam Ngendahimana.
Experts push for restoration of degraded landscape to break cycle of disasters
University of Rwandau2019s forest in Huye District. The country is set to encourage farmers planting trees in their farming areas. (Sam Ngendahimana)
Govt turns to agroforestry to increase forest cover
A woman irrigates a farm. The FAO report calls for accelerating and scaling up of actions to strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacity of food systems. File.
More than 800 million people in the world are hungry – report
Africa Improved Foods factory in Rwanda could help address challenges of value addition to agriculture. Sam Ngendahimana.
How Africa can win in global processed food market
Her Excellency First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame delivers opening remarks at the  High-Level Breakfast on Women in Agribusiness. Courtesy.
First Lady roots for mechanisation for women in agribusiness
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente welcomes Gilbert Houngbo, President of the  International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) at his office yesterday.  IFAD has increased its investment in Rwanda from $45m t
IFAD to invest $53m in Rwanda’s agricultural sector
IITA Director-General, Dr Sanginga, pictured as he receives the Africa Food Prize, along with Olusegun Obasanjo, chairperson of Africa Food Prize Committee and its members in Kigali on Friday. Courtesy.
Nigerian NGO wins Africa Food Prize award
Agricultural specialists work in a green house in Musanze District. Sam Ngendahimana
Africa challenged to take up agricultural technologies
Demonstration on the use of the Zero-Energy Cooling Chamber (ZECC) designed to tackle post-harvest losses. Emmauel Ntirenganya.
With zero-energy storage facilities, post-harvest losses are set to drop
Rabbits at Manirakizau2019s Impano Rabbitry Company enjoy fodder grown using hydroponics, a method of growing plants without soil, but which uses a nutrient rich water solution.
The untapped potential of rabbit farming in Rwanda
Kalisa Mbanda, National Electoral Commission Chairman speaks to media recently. File.
Number of voters up as polls budget reduces
Education minister Eugene Mutimura (centre) makes a point as Minister for Agriculture, Gu00e9rardine Mukeshimana (left) and State Minister in charge agriculture, Fulgence Nsengiyumva, look on during the signing of the partnership in Kigali yesterday. Emmanuel Kwizera.
New outreach programme to boost agric production
Some international observers follow a presentation on the upcoming elections during a meeting with NEC officials in Kigali yesterday. Sam Ngendahimana.
Observers urged to be impartial during elections
The New Times
AfDB, FAO seek $100 million to fight hunger in Africa

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