
 Emmanuel Ntirenganya
Emmanuel Ntirenganya
MPs discuss the national budget during the parliamentary session. Photo by Craish Bahizi
House committee commences budget hearings
Parliamentarians during a session in which the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Uzziel Ndagijimana, presented to both chambers of Parliament the budget estimates for 2023-2024, on May 3, 2023. Courtesy
MPs want proposed Rwf5tn budget to tackle disasters, inflation
The New Times
Rwanda plans to spend over Rwf5 trillion in 2023/24
The New Times
AG names public entities that could lose tens of billions in court battles
The New Times
Kigali: Public bus capacity is decreasing as population rises - Auditor General
The Auditor General of State Finances, Alexis Kamuhire, presents to parliament the annual audit report for the year ended 30th June 2022. The report was tabled before both chambers of parliament on May 2. Courtesy
AG: Projects worth over Rwf640bn delayed, unlawful expenditures double
Auditor General Alexis Kamuhire will this afternoon present to parliament the 2021/22 annual audit report. Courtesy
AG to present 2021/22 finance audit report in Parliament
Rwanda National Police officers who completed the Basic Police Course at the Police Training School in Gishari, Rwamagana District, on February 25, 2023.  Courtesy Photo
Desertion: Police officers face up to seven years in prison
RSSB CEO Regis Rugemanshuro inclines to pay tribute to the 19 former members of staff of the then social security fund of Rwanda, at a monument erected in their memory at RSSB headquarters in Kigali, on April 28, 2023 (courtesy)
RSSB honours former Social Security Fund workers killed in Genocide
Refugees and asylum seekers from Libya arriving in Rwanda on December 10, 2021. File
New report to show state of migration in East Africa
The New Times
Turahirwa's 'passport deliberately falsified' - Immigration Directorate
The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, DonatilleMukabalisa (centre), Deputy Speaker in charge of Parliamentary Affairs, Edda Mukabagiwiza (left), and Deputy Speaker in charge of Finance and Administration Mussa Fazil Harerimana,  
during a parliamentary session that resolved that the Ministry of Justice should expedite a tort law that will hold people accountable for making the Government incur losses by dragging it into court cases, in Kigali, on April 25, 2023. Courtesy
MPs want ‘liability bill’ fast-tracked to check govt losses
MPs discussing the National Budget during the parliamentary session.Photo Courtesy
Budget executed at 60%, Parliament urges greater performance
Commuters queue as they wait for buses at Kigali ‘s downtown taxi park. A report by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) indicates that public transport was appreciated at a rate of 64 per cent while the passenger satisfaction rate regarding waiting for buses was at 31 per cent. Photo: Craish Bahizi.
Parliament to scrutinize strategies for addressing public transport woes
Rwanda plans to issue digital ID cards to all residents and replace the current physical IDs. Photo by Courtesy
Rwanda’s Digital ID: Iris scans, fingerprints help recovery when lost
Members of the Conference of Chairpersons of the Chamber of Deputies met on Monday, April 24, and started the reviewing of the draft revision of the Constitution.
Which articles will be affected in new constitutional review?
Kigembe Fish Farm Kivu Choice Hatchery Facility
Kivu Choice, Victory Farms raise $35m for expansion in Rwanda, East Africa
Citizens present their national IDs at the Gatuna border. Rwanda plans to issue digital identity cards within three years. Photo: File
Rwanda to issue digital IDs in three years

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