
 Edwin Ashimwe
Edwin Ashimwe
The New Times
Commemoration: Restoring hope through poetry
Post Genocide youth during their  visit at  Kigali Genocide  Memorial (Edwin Ashimwe)
Post-Genocide generation visit Kigali Memorial site
The New Times
Young innovators vow to disrupt horticulture sector with technology
 Byukusenge,  who lost her  sight at the age of five, believes that being disabled does not limit one to attain their goals in life. Courtesy photo.
Though visually impaired, Byukusenge will not give up on poetry dream
A Rwanda Standards Board worker examines the authenticity of condoms. Journalists have been called upon to raise public awareness about the HIV/Aids scourge. Emmanuel Kwizera.
Media challenged to raise awareness on HIV/Aids
Members of The Way of Hope
Aspiring Rwandan gospel choir keen on spreading “the three angels’ message” to the whole world.
Workers remove parts of a drone at Ziplineu2019s Kayonza distribution centre. The company operates drone facilities in Muhanga and Kayonza for urgent delivery of blood and medicines, especially in remote Rwanda. Sam Ngendahimana.
Inside Zipline’s new distribution centre
Fawe Girls students entertain Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan and First Lady Jeannette Kagame during their visit to the school in July last year. Courtesy.
Chinese government donates ICT equipment to Fawe Girls
Students during a break at school. Net photo.
Children & Education
Does a prestigious school guarantee good grades?
A teacher and his students inside the classroom. Emmanuel Kwizera.
Govt schools receive Rwf1 billion worth of learning material
Youths at the Iwawa Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Centre last month. The main aim of the scheme is to provide beneficiaries with the capability to become productive citizens on graduation from the programme. Emmanuel Kwizera
Over Rwf200 million earmarked for reintegration of former delinquents
TTC Rubengera students in Karongi District on February 11, 2019. Courtesy.
Is the competency-based curriculum to blame for the drop in student pass-rate?
The New Times
We all want sweet moments : Urban Boyz on their new hit song
Residents of Nyaruguru District renovate a feeder road during a past Umuganda exercise. File.
Japan commits Rwf230m to upgrading feeder roads
Alain Jules Hirwa is a Mass Communication student at Kepler University. Courtesy.
Aspiring Rwandan writer keen to highlight issues around transgender, racism
(L-R) Best performers in senior six national exams Pax Agrippine Nubuhoro from ISF Nyamasheke, Violette Tuyishime College du Christ Roi, and Thomas Havugimana from TTC Nyamata. / Sam Ngendahimana
A’ Level results: Top performers share aspirations
Students should be encouraged to learn about Rwandau2019s rich culture. Net photo.
Children & Education
Making lessons more interesting
In memory of one of the organisationu2019s founding members, Samuel Baker, who passed on in December 2018, iDebate inaugurated two programme in his honour: Samuel Baker Leadership Award and Samuel Baker. / Kathryn Cooper Photography
Local debate platform seeks to raise global awareness on genocide

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