
Should schools allow students to keep phones?

“The biggest challenge we have these days is mobile phones in schools. Students know that it is illegal, parents know it is illegal but we still see them each day.” Those were the words of a school discipline master who preferred anonymity, when asked about the issue of telephones in school. Many in his position agree. Students in Rwanda are barred from having mobile phones while at school but the struggle to see that the rule is adhered to is one of the toughest that schools deal with of late. Teachers who try to enforce this regulation are seen as ‘enemies’ of the students who often cry about how they need “to do research on the Internet and stay updated.”Students continue to sneak the phones into school although both parents and teachers maintain that, a mobile phone is simply a big distraction to a student who ought to be concentrating on his/her studies.
The New Times
Jean de la Croix Tabaro