Electrogaz to light up more homes
GASABO - 258,000 more Rwandans will be able to get power following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Finance and five development partners. Stakeholders such as MINALOC, MINISANTE, MINEDUC and agencies like RURA, REMA, RIEPA and Electrogaz witnessed the signing of the memorandum which took place on Thursday at the Ministry of Infrastructure. The Minister of State for Energy, Albert Butare, said the energy sector will put in place favourable conditions for the provision of safe, reliable and cost efficient energy, and to increase connectivity from 92,000 to 350,000 households in Rwanda by 2012.

Ministers Albert Butare and James Musoni talk to David Butcher, an energy consultant, after signing the MOU. (Photo / J. Mbanda).