
Helping Rwandan girls reach their full potential: Girl Hub’s Jessica Thornley

Jessica Thornley, a native of New Zealand, thinks Rwanda is a unique place. “Something about Rwanda reminds me of New Zealand,” she says. “The people, culture, landscape and even language. In New Zealand we treasure our cultural heritage. Rwanda’s pride in its culture is something I respect and can relate to.”Making sure that culture is alive and vibrant is part of Jessica’s job as the Creative Development Lead for Girlhub Rwanda, a division of the Nike Foundation. Ni Nyampinga, Rwanda’s first girl centered media platform, was launched by Jessica and her team last year. Producing a bimonthly national magazine and a weekly radio show, the Ni Nyampinga campaign is nothing short of a great success.
Jessica with one  of the girls at Girlhub
Jessica with one of the girls at Girlhub
Times Reporter