
La Palisse Gashora: Off the beaten track

ONE could choose to describe La Palisse Gashora as a place in the middle of nowhere. It is not a walking distance to any place. Its entire setting is grand and park-like, blanketed by an ever deafening silence only interrupted by the chirps of birds. All through the sector of Gashora, Bugesera district in the Northern Province where La Palisse is located, it is Savannah country. The general topography of this area deviates from the national pattern of hills and valleys. It is flat like a plateau. Perhaps for this reason, the bicycle is an ever present feature of the local culture. No where else in the country will you see as big a concentration of bicycles as here. Even the taxi motor boys at the Bugesera Taxi Park came across as aggressive and haughty as compared to their Kigali counterparts.
Guests at La Palisse.
Guests at La Palisse.
Moses Opobo