We are ready, Rwanda tells UN – S. Leone court officials
NYARUGENGE - A team from the UN Special Court for Sierra Leone (SC-SL) is currently on a country tour to assess the state of Rwandan prisons in anticipation of hosting the court’s convicts here.The team comprises of specialists from the SC-SL detention centre.The visit comes after Rwanda signed an agreement with the tribunal to host some of the convicts.Speaking to The New Times after the group’s tour of Kigali Central Prison transit centre, the Director of Prisons Steven Balinda said that Rwanda has put in place several requirements that meet international standards of prisons.“The new exotic holding cells built for several convicts who are yet to be transferred to Rwanda are well equipped and can hold eight prisoners who are in transit to the main prison,” Balinda said.The new cells have been put up at Kigali Central Prison, commonly known as 1930.

Joanna Pauline from SC-SL (R) , Kigali Central Prison Director Dativa Ngaboyisonga (C) and Steven Balinda tour Kigali Central Prison. (Photo J Mbanda)