PM Ngirente consults with the Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana, at Parliament yesterday. Sam Ngendahimana.

MP Christine Muhongayire asks some clarifications during the session after the presentation

Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana listens to the clarifications of MPs during the session

Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana gives some details to clarify some points as Prime Minister finishes to present

Members of the parliament follow the presentation of the Prime Minister

MP Theoneste Begumisa gives his point of view after the presentation

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente addresses Members of Parliament yesterday

Senate President Bernard Makuza chats with Vice President of Lower chamber during the session

Prime Minister speaks to the MPs during the session

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente consults with Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana at the parliament yesterday (Sam Ngendahimana)

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente chats with other ministers after his presentation yesterday (Sam Ngendahimana)

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente and Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources Dr Geraldine Mukeshimana follow the President of Senate Bernard Makuza as they chat after the session