
My gradfather is addicted to alcohol

It seems your grandfather is now addicted to alcohol. Alcohol addiction is the state, where one finds it difficult to give up drinking, even when he/she wants to quit. If one misses drinking even for about a day or two, the body craves for it and the person starts feeling sick without alcohol. Restlessness, sweating, tremors of hands, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in focusing and concentration, are some of the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome, which develop when an alcohol addict stays without alcohol for 24-48 hours. These symptoms are relieved by drinking alcohol. Thus it compels the alcoholic to drink again, making it difficult for him to stop.
Continuous drinking of alcohol is unhealthy and damages many parts of the body. / Net photo.
Continuous drinking of alcohol is unhealthy and damages many parts of the body. / Net photo.
Times Reporter