Does my sperm analysis show that I am impotent?

Dear Doctor;I am a 26-year-old who underwent semen analysis, which showed: quantity - 2.5 ml, colour -greyish white, viscosity - thick, liquefaction time - 30 min, reaction - alkaline, sperm count-occasional motile sperm seen, pus cells - 2-3/HPF, RBC – nil and epithelial cells – nil. What does this report mean? Can I father a child? Collin H., Remera.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Doctor;I am a 26-year-old who underwent semen analysis, which showed: quantity - 2.5 ml, colour -greyish white, viscosity - thick, liquefaction time - 30 min, reaction - alkaline, sperm count-occasional motile sperm seen, pus cells - 2-3/HPF, RBC – nil and epithelial cells – nil. What does this report mean? Can I father a child? Collin H., Remera.Dear Collin, Your semen analysis is normal in all aspects except that it shows few motile sperms. A good quality semen should have more than 32 per cent of actively  motile sperms. But a single sample analysis does not tell you much. Ideally, the sample is taken after one abstains from sex for about at least three to four days, preferably a week and is completely relaxed. It is considered abnormal only if three consecutive samples analysed at least a month or so  apart show any abnormality. Many factors like stress, alcohol intake, viral infections, etc can affect sperm quality. Moreover, a single actively motile sperm is needed to fertilise female egg for conception of a baby. You can be relaxed and do a repeat test later if needed.