My husband talks in his sleep

Dear Doctor;My husband has a habit of talking in his sleep. However, whenever I tell him, he denies it. Besides, he also would claim he never had dreams during the nights he talks. Is it possible to dream and not recall anything? Why does he talk in his sleep and how can I help him? Maria, Kayonza.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Doctor;My husband has a habit of talking in his sleep. However, whenever I tell him, he denies it. Besides, he also would claim he never had dreams during the nights he talks. Is it possible to dream and not recall anything? Why does he talk in his sleep and how can I help him? Maria, Kayonza.Dear Maria, Your husband is suffering from somniloquy, a kind of sleep disorder. Men and children are more affected. One may have an occasional episode or frequent. Usually it is for few moments only and the individual has no memory whatsoever that he has been, "sleep talking”. It is not necessarily associated with dreams. A hereditary component is said to be present. Mental stress, habit forming drugs, anxiety and alcohol, certain psychiatric disorders can also induce somniloquy. But in case of psychiatric disorders, there would be other associated symptoms. There is no specific treatment. See that he is completely relaxed emotionally; if he drinks, let him quit alcohol. If the frequency is not much, he is stable otherwise, then there is nothing to worry.