UNR style up

Dear Editor,Let me take this opportunity to thank you for the great improvement in your attempts to inform Rwandans, and all who access The New Times online, about what’s going on in our country and the world at large.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear Editor,
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for the great improvement in your attempts to inform Rwandans, and all who access The New Times online, about what’s going on in our country and the world at large.

Let me also take this chance to ask, through your paper, the National University of Rwanda to style up.

I am saying this because of the recent confusion created by the University’s Rector himself.

He started by throwing out the students’ body (AGEUNR), then he made conflicting statements as far as the sports bursaries are concerned (Radio Salus even had a talk show with him about this matter) and it is rumored no one attends the meetings he calls since the ‘elders’ couldn’t not stand his ‘dictatorial’ ways.

They complain that he does not listen to elders opinions.
I won’t dwell on the rumors.

They probably are just that, rumors. I am more concerned with the sports bursaries he scrapped, then, announced on Radio Salus that he had rescinded his earlier stance and after reading your paper (Joseph Bugabo’s ‘Quick decision making, a tool for competitiveness), I find out there is a meeting to decide these poor chaps fate!!!

The University and all authorities need to look into these students’ fate and not let them suffer. It’s not their fault that the University blundered when it made them do tests in their various sports disciplines and passed to qualify for the bursaries.

It’s not their fault that the University has some cleaning up to do. Their dreams and hopes should not be shattered. They’ve suffered enough, the tension of waiting.

Like an innocent man sentenced to the death-row but with the hope of a reprieve!

The University came from the recent African University games with an overhaul of medals.

How many of these were brought as a result of students whose future at the campus is now uncertain?

Rwandans should not sit back and watch while this happens.