Will stepping on my back for massage affect spine?

Dear Doctor;Because of the nature of my work—it makes me sit up most the day in office—I end up nursing terrible back pain. I do some exercise but it is never enough. So my wife usually steps on my back, which somehow relieves the pain. Is this putting my spine or vertebra at more risk? Jean Pierre Ndayonde.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dear Doctor;Because of the nature of my work—it makes me sit up most the day in office—I end up nursing terrible back pain. I do some exercise but it is never enough. So my wife usually steps on my back, which somehow relieves the pain. Is this putting my spine or vertebra at more risk? Jean Pierre Ndayonde.Dear JP, You are suffering from the malady which is a common health hazard of desk workers. Sitting the whole day, puts strain on the back  which leads to backache. If your wife steps on your back, it will certainly not harm you (unless she does it with great force), but is not the solution either. Try to keep your back straight and supported while working. Preferably use straight back chairs instead of the thick cushioned ones where the back sags. Keep the computer, papers, etc, material needed at work within easy reach so that you do not have to stretch or strain the back for anything.Avoid bending. If you have to pick something from below, sit straight on the knees and then stand straight. For sleeping, use a hard plain bed with a thin mattress, so that the alignment of back remains straight. At present, since there is much pain, take a painkiller for few days, avoid exercise. Once the pain subsides, start doing exercises of back muscles which should be increased gradually.