Must haves during the wet season

The famous line of smartness knows no weather has frequently been used as an excuse by fashion blunders, most especially during the cold season. For instance like wearing gloves on a hot day just to blend with a certain dress code!

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The famous line of smartness knows no weather has frequently been used as an excuse by fashion blunders, most especially during the cold season. For instance like wearing gloves on a hot day just to blend with a certain dress code!

Below are some of the things you must have during this wet season.

Scarf and head gear 

The scarf and the head gear should be of the same colour. The scarf acts as a neck-wrap hence keeping you warm while the head gear protects your hair from getting wet in case you are running out of a taxi on your way to work. These items can be kept in your handbag when the sun comes out.


Boots have always come in handy during the wet season. Therefore to be absolutely warm during this time, only wear flats and open shoes when it isn’t that cold and invest in a good pair of boots for the totally freezing days.

Trousers and jeans

If need be, the best clothes to wear during the wet season are trousers or jeans. They will surely keep you warm. You can dress up in a skirt if the weather focus promised a sunny afternoon.