I hate people who...

…cut serviettes into two before handing them out to customers. I am not sure if RDB is aware but there is a brand of stupidity going around where you find some jokers cutting serviettes into two before giving them to customers.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

…cut serviettes into two before handing them out to customers. I am not sure if RDB is aware but there is a brand of stupidity going around where you find some jokers cutting serviettes into two before giving them to customers.

If the manufacturer made it that way who gives you the right to think it should be split? I am sorry to say but I think these kinds of fools are the same people who would even do this kind of thing to toilet paper. I was at a restaurant and some joker tried to do this to me, I just grabbed the whole packed and asked her how much it cost so I could pay for it all. We cannot tolerate this kind of foolishness anymore.  …have the guts to ask for a phone charger in a public place. I have failed to understand the lengths that some people go to just to exhibit the emptiness of their heads. Take for example the fools who come to a bar, ask for a beer then ask the waiter for a charger for their cheap phones. Who in their right minds come to a bar and thinks of charging their phone? Do you think this is an extension of your home? These are the same people who later will ask the waiter to go outside and bring airtime of a mere Rwf100. These shameless bastards really shouldn’t be in public with other right thinking people. …like starting arguments they cannot win. I have discovered that there are some people who just spend each day pissing off others with silly arguments. These part time thinkers who kick off an argument and during the whole time they are presenting very juvenile arguments. In the end when they see that they cannot win the argument they start saying that you like arguing. I never understand why these people don’t try to find other hobbies since it is obvious that their heads were not cut out for intellectual challenges. With such an empty head one needs to work on being seen not heard. …think it is ok to crack jokes about something like a terrorist attack. I am sick and tired of these biological substances that are excuses for people who think the best time to be funny is when something serious is happening. Take for example the heartless fools who were making stale jokes during the time of the terrorist attack in Nairobi. Well I guess it would not be so funny if a close relative was in that situation huh? What makes you think that people’s teeth should be on the outside all the time? There are times to laugh but that is not all the time. …say stupid things and even try to deny doing so. Now there is there is a new brand of stupidity that some people have come up with. Did you hear about that Ugandan Youth Minister who was justifying rape of all heinous acts? This joker who is a father to two girls had the nerve to insinuate that girls or women who dress indecently should not complain when they get raped. How such a person lives with all this stupidity inside him still baffles me. As if that is not enough the joker did not wait for our anger to subside before he started denying that he said anything that. What he did not know is that he had been recorded. I wish such people knew how foolish they sound. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293The Hater