I hate people who...

here is a need for a way to remind people that concentration is important at work. The other day I almost fought with a barber who got carried away by gossip while shaving my hair. This fool lost ended up extending my forehead’s dimensions just like that.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

…make mistakes because they just can’t concentrate. There is a need for a way to remind people that concentration is important at work. The other day I almost fought with a barber who got carried away by gossip while shaving my hair. This fool lost ended up extending my forehead’s dimensions just like that.

Now how on earth am I supposed to go around with an exaggerated forehead all because this barber could not resist to contribute his ignorance-laden opinion on whether Wayne Rooney should continue playing for Manchester united. Just imagine if such a fool was a surgeon. 

…hate the way others spend their money. I think it is bad enough that some people among us are poor. However when you combine poverty with stupidity then you have the reason why some countries remain third world. Now where do these part time thinkers with no money to spend get the guts to hate on those who chose to go for the diner in white event last weekend?

The fact that it was not your money being spent should be enough reason for you to keep your broke lips together and continue working harder. After all no one bothers to give an opinion about how you enjoy your poverty. As the country fights to eradicate poverty, some of these people need new citizenship. 

…think they can transfer their desperate situation to others. I wonder where some people acquire the special kind of stupidity they exhibit. Take for example the jokers on Kigali Life who say they are selling something at a certain price that is non-negotiable yet the item is a used one and the seller has a few days left before leaving Kigali.

You have few days to go and you want me to buy your old weather beaten shoes at a non-negotiable price. Do you think you are now a small supermarket or what? Your stuff is old; time is not on your side so it is pointless to give tough conditions. You can as well take your old lousy stuff with you back to wherever you came from. 

…can never make up their minds on what they want. I am sick and tired of people who just can’t make up their minds. How hard can it be for you to decide what you want to eat or drink if indeed you are hungry or thirsty? Don’t you just wait the kind of people who keep waitresses standing for hours as they look at the menu as though it is some kind of encyclopaedia? Are you here at the restaurant to get a meal or it is some kind of disguised research.

Not surprisingly, these are likely to be the same jokers who will complain that their order has taken ages to come. Do you think the restaurant plans for your indecision? Why are you even not thinking of just buying the food and going home to create space for those who know what they want. 

…stop in the road to have conversations while driving. I honestly think these people a special kind of breed when it comes to stupidity. How on earth do you stop and block the traffic behind you just because you have seen an old friend across the road and you think it is time to have a catch up chat and make plans for the weekend.

These people do not even deserve to be arrested by the traffic police because I do not think our traffic officers are paid to handle mentally deranged drivers. You guys belong in a mental hospital not behind the wheel of a car. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293