Computers and exposure to chronic back pains

Work in the modern era is served in the electronic version. It is clearly evident that without a computer; it’s less or no work at all and the computer has become the way of life.

Friday, September 20, 2013
Dr. Joseph Kamugisha

Work in the modern era is served in the electronic version. It is clearly evident that without a computer; it’s less or no work at all and the computer has become the way of life.Due to long periods of time required for us to do our work on a computer, people usually find themselves sitting for long periods, and this has continuously left people with problems of lower back pains as a result of lower spine compression. Some people with severe low back problems are sometimes forced to change their work stations so that they can work in more upright positions.The lower part of the back that consists of the base of spine and pelvis serves as the protective housing for the nervous system. It is a very important route for the nervous system that innervates the lower part of the body. Now, if the lower spine and pelvis is consistently faced with heavy downward pressure or compression, there will be inflammation in areas of joint surfaces, ligaments and muscles around this part of the body.It should be highly noted that if you sit for a long time in an awkward position for long enough, you are more likely to experience an injury to the pelvis.The most obvious cause of pelvic inflammation is sitting on an uneven surface. It has been seen in men who sit with wallet or some other materials in their back pockets. As health practitioners have said, a key cause of chronic pelvic or lower back pain in truck drivers is sitting for hours at a time with a thick wallet in one back pocket.One of the key components of the pelvis is the ischium bone that consists of an ischial tuberosity that you feel while seated. There are always two of them in opposite sites and when there is uneven distribution of work or balance in one of them, it is only a matter of time before inflammation occurs and this is when you start to feel pain.Some offices have soft and movable seats that help people support their position while seated at work. But sometimes tables or desks are designed in a poor fashion that will force user to flex or alter his position in a wrong way.People working in very busy places or not involved in regular body exercise present more with such kind of problems.Bank managers, leaders involved in long and daily meetings among others complain of persistent low back pain. This is why it is always very necessary to have a short break especially for people whose work requires long hours of sitting.Solutions It is advisable to have a break of at least 30 minutes. During this break period, it is advisable to stand up and stretch the entire body length. You do not need to be in a sports mood but can just put your feet on ground and stretch your arms upwards intermittently in a period of five minutes, move a little bit and stand outside on balcony for few minutes. Through this lifestyle mechanism, the spinal column or low back faces less pressure and experience relaxation. Some modern seats are made in reclined position to facilitate users. Some manufacturers are informed about the danger posed by type of seats made. Some people can work with their back a bit reclined on the seat. This helps their upper part of the body and the lower part create a balance in pressure and this puts less stress on the spine than sitting upright or leaning forward.Additionally, it is also advisable to go for gym or engage in regular body exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles and the hamstring muscles. Strong abdominal muscles help to support the weight of the upper part of the body and this takes pressure off the lower back. Strong or fit hamstring muscles prevent sprains and strains on the back. Dr. Joseph Kamugisha is an oncologist resident based in Jerusalem, Israel